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It's Insane But The Truth😱😰
I see people do lot of posting of proofs, past records and sales fulfilment. I didn't believe this until it has happened to me personally. Like, i hit my first $18k plus in sales yesterday. I'm so happy that i don't mind being a source of blessing to fellow ecom business owners right now. Together we win in this Q4 season!!!!!!!!
New comment 2d ago
It's Insane But The Truth😱😰
New Book “My 30 Day Content Challenge” (Lead magnet)
Hello Hinamshu & all, been a while since I posted just want to introduce my new book inspired by the content challenge we did a while back!! Please give feedback share & support. Here’s the link⤵️⤵️ Thanks so much❤️
New comment 6d ago
New Book “My 30 Day Content Challenge” (Lead magnet)
Some Profits through ecommerce
Hello, I'm Kalisha. I own an ecommerce brand with my products listed on Shopify. I'm divorced with a kid. I once had a Job but had to stop since it was not enough fend for i and my kid. I got introduced to ecom by Bela, a friend of mine. I had doubts about the business at first facing diverse challenges my first few months of getting started. I was close to shutting down my brand with low expectations from previous businesses have tried, came across a different approach 2 months ago that's working and it's been a change of story for me and my Son. Ecommerce still works, you can give it a trial.
New comment 26d ago
Some Profits through ecommerce
RING THE BELL. Got a $2000 client 🛎️
I wanted to share a big win. I just closed a high ticket client for $2000/mo. It is a done-for-you service and it took me long time to close but I am SUPER grateful. Thank you for teaching me everything @Himanshu Bisht. Hope to work with you closely and learn more from you. I did not create the content but used the sales script and he proposed to work with me himself. I did not even have the proper offer. 😂 For now, I will spend time learning with him. I will look for new clients in the future but first I want to learn more about the topic and get results for him.
New comment Jul 29
RING THE BELL. Got a $2000 client 🛎️
How I Lended a $10,000/mo Client (Proof)
Complete information. As many of you know, I built a $200,000 business in consulting. But little people know that 30% of that came from one client at some point who paid us $10,000/mo on a three months contract. ❇️ (Screenshots are in AED: One USD is around 3.67 AED.) Let me tell you what worked for us: You can model this same strategy in your business... Especially if you are offering a service. However, as you can see, I am building Conscious Entrepreneurs Hub, giving everything away for free, and monetizing with Affiliates. I am somehow modeling the same system. 👉🏼 Basics: - My Target Audience: Crypto founders. (Highly specific niche) (It doesn't matter if you don't understand my niche. Focus on yours and model the strategy.) - Their biggest challenge: They don't understand marketing - Their Core Desire: To get more retail investors How would I help? Help them develop and execute a solid marketing strategy. How my process looked like. 1. Built a community of founders in the industry and offered them an opportunity to connect. 2. Offered value in the community by answering questions and sharing resources. 3. Presented my personalized service and asked if they are looking for something like this. 4. Got them on the call and understood their needs and budget 5. Proposed them a DFY service. The key here is the Script. What you will speak about on the call and how you will present your offer matters most... Especially when working with high-ticket clients, it takes them more time to trust you before they can release the funds. You can not expect them to pay you if you are forceful or salesy. Every single sales call matters if you want to close clients. However, there is no proper education on this topic. Most people give very poor advice on YouTube. Even the million-follower influencers in this space are arrogant, self-entitled Lambo gurus. I suggest you do not trust that advice. If you want to get the quality clients who you love working with, follow this advice:
How I Lended a $10,000/mo Client (Proof)
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Conscious Creators Hub
Create content, launch your community, and live a lifestyle of freedom by doing something you love. That's It. And yeah! Have Fun 🤩
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