Create Content that Speaks to Ideal Clients Needs
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs categorizes human needs into five levels…
From the basic (eg. safety) to the advanced (eg. love, self-esteem). Understand your audience’s hierarchy of needs and your content will always resonate. The 5-4-3-2-1 method generates 15 content ideas that tap into all 5 levels of needs. It prioritizes content ideas for the lower, more basic levels…
Before gradually focusing on more specialized content as you move up the hierarchy.
How It Works.......
I’ve used examples from different niches to show how you can generate content ideas at every level in any niche.
1. Physiological Needs (5 Content Ideas): Address basic needs like health, wellness, and survival.
  • Tech: How wearable tech monitors health and well-being.
  • Fashion: Practical clothing for difficult weather.
2. Safety Needs (4 Content Ideas): Provide security and protection.
  • Pet Care: Keeping pets safe during natural disasters.
  • Travel: Safe destinations for solo travelers.
3. Love and Belonging (3 Content Ideas): Foster relationships and community.
  • Home Decor: Designing spaces for family bonding.
  • Crafts: Handmade gifts that strengthen personal connections.
4. Esteem (2 Content Ideas): Boost confidence and self-respect.
  • Public Speaking: Overcoming fear of speaking.
  • Gardening: Encourage pride in growing your own food. 
5. Self-Actualization (1 Content Idea): Promote personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Fitness: Training for a marathon as a personal achievement.
Try the 5-4-3-2-1 method in your own niche and see what high-engagement content ideas you come up with.
I'm a content creator in the [insert your niche] niche, and my target audience is [insert your target audience].
I want to generate content ideas that resonate with different levels of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
Please generate content ideas tailored to my niche and target audience as follows:
5 content ideas focused on Physiological Needs
4 content ideas focused on Safety Needs
3 content ideas focused on Love/Belonging Needs
2 content ideas focused on Esteem Needs
1 content idea focused on Self-Actualization
Please do not give me headlines/titles. Just describe the topic ideas very concisely in a bulleted list.
Suzanne Taylor-King
Create Content that Speaks to Ideal Clients Needs
Idea Lab for Entrepreneurs
Invite-only group w/ Suzanne Taylor-King, strategy, knowledge, networking, business growth, and building relationships with vetted professionals.
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