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Please help me out Idea Lab community.
I am developing an acronym for the very basic steps of my crisis intervention system and would like your feedback and input if you would be so kind. I am going back and forth between two options right now, both of which I have intentionally kept short and used single action words to keep it sticky and easy to remember. Of course, presenetations and training will go into more detail. The acronyms will be mostly for uniqueness and marketing purposes. Here are the two choices:
Option A: PACER (Prepare, Approach, Communicate, Explore, Reassure)
Option B: REACH (Ready, Explore, Approach, Communicate, Help)
I welcome any and all input or suggestions. Sometimes you get so deep into a project that you can't see the forest through the trees.
Please help a lost soul....馃榿
Troy Siewert
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