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5000 organic visits every months. No revenues…
I've been working on a job board (in French) for years now: I tried to monetize it with premium job offers—it didn't work. I also tried to create a newsletter (1500 subscribers) and monetize it with premium content, but it also failed($50 MRR not growing). What should I do next? In my head, I have 3 options: - Sell it - but as I don't have revenues, the price will be super low. - Try new sources of income, like affiliation? - Let it die slowly What would you do?
New comment 13d ago
5000 organic visits every months. No revenues…
Is having the app as the homepage a good idea ? 
Hi everyone, I’m developing a web application called, designed to help users stay focused and productive. As of now, the website's homepage is the app itself—users are taken directly to the application as soon as they visit the site. 1. Is this a good idea? 2. What are the potential pros and cons of this setup? 3. How would this affect your experience or impression of the app? Here are a few considerations I’ve thought about: Pros: - Immediate Access: Users can start using the app immediately without additional clicks. - User Engagement: The absence of an intermediary page might increase the likelihood of users engaging with the app. - Simplicity: It creates a streamlined experience, especially for returning users who already know what the app does. Cons: - Lack of Information: New visitors might miss important details about the app's functions and why they should use it. - First Impressions: It could be confusing or off-putting for first-time visitors who expect a traditional homepage with more context. - SEO Impact: Without a traditional homepage, there might be challenges with search engine optimization (SEO) since there’s less content for search engines to index. I’d love to hear your feedback and any other considerations I might have missed. Thanks in advance for your input!
New comment 27d ago
Roast My Landing Page
Hey there I am tired of following up invoices with clients that do not pay on time. My answer to this is a stripe payment link as a subscription model. Roast my landing page
New comment Aug 9
Roast my site ~
Hi everyone, Looking to get some feedback on my site and product. Let me know if the conversion funnel to sign up is effective, whether the product has gaps, etc. For context is an interview prep platform. There is 1400+ questions on the site that people can practice, and then I have some more dynamic tools where users can practice questions on their resume, practice questions using job descriptions, talk to an LLM about interview processes, and then bring in their own questions. The site currently uses credits, free users get 3 a day and premium users get unlimited. This is more so subject to change as I am trying to gather data on usage right now.
New comment Aug 9
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