knowing my being better - What do you want your life to look like?
Mate , it's one of the mind blowing exercise mate I have done in my life , as I said your stuff are awesome and my experiences made me realize many things about my being
as you said I didn't force myself this time or set too much short time limit mate and I just sit down started to write what are my thoughts that are flowing about
What do you want your life to look like?
I took a moment to notice that my hate is particularly high in certain area but I don't know why it is so
so as you said find I don’t want/like
I don’t want/like
one of the worst experience In life is to be surrounded by colleagues where they keep on clapping for your victory but you feel like shit inside and still smiling to the outside world
Even more ridiculous BS 🤬 is
when you're lead is ready to migrate to another company for his own good but freaking recommending you to stay in the company even after I rejected the offer for 2 times saying
I feel like shit inside, I can not go longer
I said I need rest for minimum 6 months
they counter with the same shit
universal diagloue of Boomers
I am saying for your own good, don't quit
the moment I joined the job I knew
I am too good for this freaking company and envisioned one day I will be leaving the company to purse something beyond
In my experience of working hard till burnout in AWS cloud real time project for my company , I realized now biggest assest is NOT DATA OR INFORMATION but creating a place and path where DATA AND INFORMATION FLOWS NATURALLY
as Human are lazy oops path of least resistance creatures, they go with the flow.
my job is to critique and automate the current infrastructure laid out plan
one day I critiqued major security issue, what he said still rings in my mind
It shouldn't be the thing we should be leaving alone but what else we do if our allocated budget isn't meant to cover the security aspects but only functional aspects
my lead always used to say
as long as no issues arises in frontend and backend
when it feels like flowing in the platform from frontend to backend that means infrastructure is in soo good condition
I realized
Safety Security Self-love is in danger when one precieve the GOLD from one side of reality
what you do want?
let me leave you with my path of love for my pastame (past me) world
If I were to end up in the same situation before joining my company
will I choose the same things?
the moment I reflected on this game changed for me
because the very game presented me two options to play
1. Easy mode
2. Hard mode
Easiest way I had is to join mid level or second tier company through my father backup who is proficient as IT Consultant with a flourishing network of experts
A single word from me would've given me a unfair advantage but I felt it doesn't meant for me
so I choose 3rd weird mode (unevolved version) to play the game
let me see where it goes and how it unfolds
I had lot of struggles in expressing myself when I tried to get placed in job interview
even enough to say such answer
why are you here for?
For money and it's nearby location from my home
note I really meant that, it is said not to mock others because the world told pastame get a good nearby job and good salary
I bet you know what happened next
I have learned frontend, backend and data structure, art of forgetting and how to prepare for chess tournament in my CSE undergrad but never once while spending my time there, they said freaking answer for this
because pastame ( past me ) been living in the world of seeking answer for others questions
pastame have yet to move to the current world of seeking my own questions
how do you want to feel?
Now comes the question
I realized
Hate is one side of reality
Love is one side of reality
but hate and love lies in same reality together
you are free to choose the one you like to live with
after leaving the job, few months later pastame start to incline towards hard mode and started to jump between 2 mode
hard mode and weird mode because pastame is started to play the game with lens of hate
Now let's critique pastame oops my path of love
only ever LEADER to
ask magical things to others even newbies
😌 what's your opinion on this?
😌 how can we proceed this further?
😌 what might be the best solutions?
😎 do you wanna 🍷with me?
note : I said I am not a drinker 🥴
do these magical things
😊 sit together till the problem oops shit gets resolved
😇 fight in front line to get things for our team and ready to show off his trash talk ability at any given moment
😊 crazy enough to shout when will be the appraisal when they ask for what answer would you love to know from our company in the get together
🤣 expect others to smile when cracking a joke only he understood but 👍 with others for not smiling
golden lesson I learned while on reflection
hate blinds the love you had for other
mind distorts, deletes the information according to what you want and reality you're seeking for
it's easy to interpret blessing as a curse
what you hate in the past is the very thing made you as a person you love to spend time with
open up
Embrace everything
Hemanth Kumar Alwar
knowing my being better - What do you want your life to look like?
InnerPeaceWalker: Worth Waker
Awaken your self-worth, confront the root cause of your challenges, and transform your mindset. Step into your power—this is where change begins
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