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InnerPeaceWalker: Worth Waker

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8 contributions to InnerPeaceWalker: Worth Waker
knowing my being better - What do you want your life to look like?
Mate @Vishad Doshi , it's one of the mind blowing exercise mate I have done in my life , as I said your stuff are awesome and my experiences made me realize many things about my being as you said I didn't force myself this time or set too much short time limit mate and I just sit down started to write what are my thoughts that are flowing about What do you want your life to look like? I took a moment to notice that my hate is particularly high in certain area but I don't know why it is so so as you said find I don’t want/like I don’t want/like one of the worst experience In life is to be surrounded by colleagues where they keep on clapping for your victory but you feel like shit inside and still smiling to the outside world Even more ridiculous BS 🤬 is when you're lead is ready to migrate to another company for his own good but freaking recommending you to stay in the company even after I rejected the offer for 2 times saying I feel like shit inside, I can not go longer I said I need rest for minimum 6 months they counter with the same shit universal diagloue of Boomers I am saying for your own good, don't quit the moment I joined the job I knew I am too good for this freaking company and envisioned one day I will be leaving the company to purse something beyond In my experience of working hard till burnout in AWS cloud real time project for my company , I realized now biggest assest is NOT DATA OR INFORMATION but creating a place and path where DATA AND INFORMATION FLOWS NATURALLY as Human are lazy oops path of least resistance creatures, they go with the flow. ................. my job is to critique and automate the current infrastructure laid out plan one day I critiqued major security issue, what he said still rings in my mind It shouldn't be the thing we should be leaving alone but what else we do if our allocated budget isn't meant to cover the security aspects but only functional aspects my lead always used to say
New comment 3d ago
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@Vishad Doshi mate the shone out moment is I heard from my man Brian probably or somewhere inside the ICON circle mate, I love to attend but I am not using alarm clock anymore for waking up it's my baby free tension sleep time mate but I am loving the way you said if you want different external results, the answers lies internally I will see it mate if I permit the time
Hello and welcome to Sebastian Lecona!
I'm very pleased to welcome @Sebastian Lecona to Worth Waker! Sebastian has been really honest and open about his mindset and personal development journey in a couple of other groups that we're both in and thanks to @Hemanth Kumar Alwar and @Brian Campbell who pointed him in the direction of Worth Waker as somewhere where he can get more clarity and direction on worthiness and beyond. Sebastian has great value in his messaging about strategy, and will be an excellent asset to our little corner of Skool here. Please join me in welcoming Sebastian with a comment and gif!
New comment 8d ago
Hello and welcome to Sebastian Lecona!
@Vishad Doshi Thanks mate for sharing the story we're always a student. It hit me hard mate I am aware of cricket mate. It's popular sport in my country
@Vishad Doshi 007 got out in 007
I've got 3 questions for you...
You are welcome to answer them in whatever manner you feel. In fact, what ever comes up for you, jot it down, there's no right or wrong. Things may come up immediately, things may come up at random moments – whenever they do, jot them down, or voice note them on your phone, whatever works for you. First question: What do you want? Straightaway, you may go ‘I want what’s best for my parents, partner, family, kids’ – that’s not the question – the question is what do YOU want? There may also be a temptation to jump to the big things – what career do I want, where do l want to live, what kind of partner do I want, where you might easily get lost because you don’t know what that might look like. If this happens, look to break things down into smaller bits – to do that use this question: What do you want your life to look like? Start with the very first thing you do every day - waking up. For most of us currently, that moment is dictated to us by our alarm clock – the second it rings, we either moan because it’s time to get up for work or school or college or to look after someone and we haven’t had enough sleep, or hit the snooze button (click) and try to grab a few more mins sleep, we basically don’t start off the day happy and in a good state. So in the life that you want, ask yourself what time do you want to get up? From here, move onto other small questions - who (if anyone) do you want sleeping next to you, what time is breakfast, where do you want to work, how many hours a week do you want to work? If you’re still stuck, that’s ok. What may be happening is that you’re defaulting to answering in the style of ‘I don’t want…’, like ‘I don’t want to wake up to an alarm’. Write that down. If anything else in the same ‘I don’t want/like’ style comes up, get that down too. Then once you’ve done that, create a second page or column and use the I don’t want/like answer to form the antithesis – which is what you do want. So for example I don’t want to wake up to an alarm turns into ‘I want to wake up of my own accord at 9am.’ When you carry on in the same vein of creating these antitheses, guess what? You’ve answered the question what do you want, as you’ve created a whole bunch of I want answers.
New comment 10d ago
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@Vishad Doshi Mate I loved this exercise I only spend few minutes but I can say some of the friction I can not express usually are coming out man like I don't like to exercise I don't like to be in hustle mode always As you said I will take my time man to reflect on these man. I will update how awesome the stuff and my experiences on 14-10-2024 5:00 PM
1 like • 11d
@Vishad Doshi Yeah mate, I will do that. I will reflect without forcing myself mate
Hello and welcome to Hemanth Kumar 🙌
I'm honoured that Hawkeye himself @Hemanth Kumar Alwar has landed in Worth Waker! Hemanth is one of the most enthusiastic and energetic guys you will meet. I've only known him since I've been on Skool for about a couple of weeks, but in that time, I've seen Hemanth comment just about everywhere, adding value, creating connections and spreading joy where he goes. If you want to be top of leaderboards in groups and all that, chances are you're going to have to take on Hemanth (good luck). If you business needs new perspectives and content strategies that double your engagement and value, speak to Hemanth - or just connect anyway, as he's an awesome ally. Please join me in welcoming Hemanth to Worth Waker with a comment and a gif
New comment 13d ago
Hello and welcome to Hemanth Kumar 🙌
1 like • 13d
@Christine Szinner Hey this is 🎅 oops this is Christine the changemaker LEADER 🔥 GOAT to see you too
1 like • 13d
@Christine Szinner
Hello and welcome to Christine Szinner 🙌
I'm thrilled and so happy that the powerhouse herself @Christine Szinner has joined Worth Waker! Christine is someone I've known since we made the move across to Clapper a year or so ago, and even there, like she is here on Skool, she built a huge presence so quickly with her inspiring, connection-orientated approach. Even more exciting for me, she's now included a mindset component to her already great offer, so don't be surprised if you see us joining forces soon to offer awesome value. If you want to create genuine connections, take a look at what Christine is doing in her group and beyond. She's inspired many, including me, with the way she writes posts that you can use as templates and hosts live with warmth and enthusiasm. Naturally, she heads leaderboards everywhere, too so you definitely want to be connecting with her as an awesome ally and person. Please join me in welcome Christine to Worth Waker with a comment and gif
New comment 12d ago
Hello and welcome to Christine Szinner 🙌
1 like • 14d
Welcome Christine the change maker She is one of the wonderful people I have meet inside skool. She guided me when I am lost my vision for my life and bought ton of clarity in my life of who I am. Those who don't know her, she is a leader and expert in creating clarity path for success through mindset transformation. Loving to become and being a visionary leader with you
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Hemanth Kumar Alwar
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