Book Launch Update
Thanks so much for asking on the stats of my latest book launch.
I officially published new book on 8/18/24 and have been since marketing my book. I'm already getting some great initial interest, with over 2100 orders processed on just this book alone. I've already generated 25 high quality reviews and the numbers are still climbing.
What makes a good book launch successful? Having a high quality book, good cover, and niche that people are interested in. However, that is not all because you still need to have a plan. I am a firm believer in enrolling your book in KDP select which allows you to giveaway your ebook for free for a few days in order to attract new readers.
Building your audience is also key which is why it's always a good idea to write multiple books around a niche so that you can obtain repeat buyers too. I also emailed my book to my existing customer list and it is getting good traction that way as well.
My goals moving forward is to hit a total of 50+ book reviews next week and start to allocate an advertising budget to my book to help it stand out in the crowd!
Thanks for everyone for supporting.
Krista Brea
Book Launch Update
KDP Publishing
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