You did not get cancer because of hormones or IGF1 or other growth factors!
We have a steep rise in cancer rates since 1900, IGF promoting food items, like dairy or meat, are not the issue. The consumption of dairy has been stable, maybe even going down, see Nina Teicholz' book. Yes, they MAY have accelerated the growth, that is probably true. But everything that promotes an anabolic state does that as well, like a simple caloric surplus, especially plus carbs.
The single biggest rise of any nutrient were Omega 6 fats, in the USA, especially via soy, see the RockSolid diet movie
Do not get lost in the weeds: We treat cancer when it is already here! Hormones do not grow anything directly, they are mediators. They are not the fuel! The fuels are glucose and glutamine! Being in a caloric deficit already turns pretty much all of those growth factors off, that is the reason that caloric restriction works by itself already when beating cancer, see all Dr. Seyfrieds studies.
Now it is time to get rid of the fuels!! Focusing on tiny details that will probably only confuse you is not helpful: Ketones up, Glucose down, glutamin inhibitors, hbot. That is it! Sorry for my rant, but some guys think that dairy and meat may be a problem, but when doing press pulse, those mediating molecules are irrelevant to the discussion, imho :-p
P.S.: Cancer also went up like crazy in Japan, see Dr. Knobbes current presentations. Are they big milk drinkers? no! what did go up was their seed oil consumption, though
P.P.S. Also think about it logically: Since when does the human species consume dairy? 10,000 years? In those generations our body figured out how to handle it and keep it all in a balance. Thus, we would see a flat line regarding cancer deaths since the beginning of medical history.
Johnny Rockermeier
You did not get cancer because of hormones or IGF1 or other growth factors!
We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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