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Meals that are working well for you?
So what are you all eating on your eating days, such that you are minimizing omega-6 and maximizing Omega-3, and maintaining and 80/20 or 90/10 or 80/15/5 or 75/15/10 ratio? And maintaining optimal GKI numbers Looking for some sample meal ideas that seem to work well for you. I get inflamed no matter what I eat, and I'm curious to try what has worked for others.
Calories, protein and restriction on long term Keto
Any thoughts on what the max calories per day and max protein per day should be if we are achieving a gki of 2 or less? Also how to accurately measure what ones basal metabolic rate (outside of calories logged on a Garmin or similar) Some books I've read discuss quite low protein when it comes to fighting cancer - 0.5 grams per kilo, tho others recommend double or even triple that amount.
New comment 1d ago
Addition to the Omega 6 Calculator: Avocado!
As it seems that avocado is quite popular in the keto scene, I added the fruit / veggie into my Omega 6 calculator here: Percentagewise, it is not that bad: 12,5% for the oil and 10,8% for the flesh, though those values should be the same. Maybe something happens during the processing. Different variations may have varying fatty acid compositions, so if you eat some from other countries, maybe look up studies about thoise specifically. Oil data: Fruit Data: These are the macros, as shown by cronometer: 77% fat, 19% carbs, 4% protein. I do not recommend eating avocados for the reason that it has lots of carbs. According to tue usda data, it's 8,6 grams of carbs per 100 grams. You can eat a different plant food that has 1/3 of that carb count, thus being able to eat 3 times as much. On the other hand, if you are struggling with weight and want a rather calorie dense veggie, yes maybe you can have an avocado. I also don't recommend it because it has Omega 6s, as all plant fats do. It is still very very low compared to everything else, 10,8-12,5% - but 200 grams will still give you an additional 3,3 grams of Omega 6. Especially for women with cancer (I would set the limit to 6-7 grams a day) this is a huge chunk already... and sometimes people like to eat avocado with eggs! In this very case, moderation is the key: 100 grams max a day, split up into 2 meals, okay. And if you wanna add eggs add some fishoil too! .-)
New comment 10d ago
Addition to the Omega 6 Calculator: Avocado!
Rapidly reduce omega 6
Love to hear your ideas on how to rapidly reduce our omega 6 and get omega 3:6 ratio back to 1:1 as fast as possible?? I keep carnivore chickens to avoid omega 6 in my eggs. I feed them dried mealworms and my meat scraps. Any other hacks? Also is there any way of getting our omega ratio tested??
New comment 12d ago
100% pure olive oil?
I often wonder if the olive oil is perhaps diluted/mixed with other oils....
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We help people to prevent, manage & cure cancer, based on ideas by Dr. Seyfried. Proposed foods follow the RockSolid Diet, invented by J. Rockermeier.
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