Write something
During Prayer Today
Hey guys! I wanted to share something with you. I was just waiting on God and allowing Him to speak with me and I heard very loud thoughts. 2 in particular that I going to share. First, I heard a voice that said to me today, "God's voice isn't changing you." Now that was an immediate shock. Whether it was my own thoughts, or the enemy I thought about this for a moment objectively and didn't OWN the thought initially. Because I've learned over the years that when when you hear something negative about yourself and choose to agree with it, it'll manifest and bind you up. So I immediately said, "No, I reject that thought." Because the truth is that God's word is alive and active and I know by now which voice sounds like my own soul, God's, and the enemy. I know which words bring life and which does not. The next voice I heard today said this, "What do you see me doing?" I recognized this voice right away and it sounded like God and I was reminded of Jesus saying this in John 5:19-20 "19 Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. 20 For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed." So I was encouraged by God's invitation to just LOOK with my eyes closed. And I saw something I cannot share here. But just know that when you wait upon the Lord, God will give you strength. When you wait upon God, He will light up your world and show you how powerful and He is. The perfect compass for your life is inside of you. But are you actively checking that compass daily? Lastly, always sift through and be aware of the voices that may appear when you quiet yourself and wait upon God. Some thoughts that appear will help you, and some thoughts are by the enemy. But the spirit has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
New comment Aug 13
What's been going well for you all?
What is something that's been going super well for you all? And also, what's been something that you've been struggling with? Let us encourage one another 🫂 I'll go first, something that's been going well for me is that I've been helping out a lot with family and we all feel closer than ever. Something I'm struggling with is staying consistent with my business and being afraid of failing. But I know deep down that taking action alleviates that fear. Who can relate? 😅 Okay, your turn! 😄
New comment Aug 7
What is God saying to you?
I'd love you guys to share what God is saying to you. God is telling me that during a state of rest is when we are able to make the best decisions. When you're under stress, decisions become more difficult and it prohibits a state of flow. We want to flow like a river. When a river flows, there is no stagnation. The water is clean because it's MOVING. This means cut distractions and just focus. We need to move, take action, and keep moving. What is God saying to you? Comment below!
Complete action
New comment Aug 5
🎉30 Day Leaderboard WINNERS🥳
1st place goes to @Isaac B 2nd place goes to @Decklan Edwards 3rd place goes to @Caleb Sherwood Isaac & Decklan gets a free 30 minute 1-1 call with me for 1st & 2nd place. I will also answer their top 2 BURNING questions about growing their relationship with God. 3rd place for Caleb... Tell you what, I'll buy you Wendy's next time I see you bro next week 💪 CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!! EVERYONE, what sort of prizes would you like? Comment below!
New comment Aug 1
Consider this a free pass to PLUG your business. 🥳 This is one of the ONLY chances I'm giving you guys to do this to keep all of the posts pure and valuable. If you plug outside of this post... Just don't 😉 Step 1: Tell us all about what you are doing. Plug those socials Step 2: Connect with the people who's business resonates with you.
Complete action
New comment Jul 31
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Eternal Sons
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