Cold Emails & Service Delivery
Hey, joined the community today. I am starting with the Landscaping niche, had 2 qs -
1) Has someone here tested cold emails in LandScaping niche? how do they perform? Was thinking of starting with it.
2) For service delivery, if someone working in that niche or anyone with experience can provide insights what's the best to provide them with?
A) Only qualified leads, where I simply run FB lead form ads to collect and slightly qualify the leads and set up a one-time message for leads in GHL, rest all the work in GHL i.e. nurturing, calling and texting is done by clients?
B) or provide full leads & full appointment booking system? I doubt what we count as an appointment here? Is it the online calendly call booking that we provide as an appointment or we schedule their physical visit to the location where they give a quote which is counted as an appointment?
Would love your insights.
Rohan R
Cold Emails & Service Delivery
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