How I Used PATIENCE To Build An Email List Of 10,000 Subscribers
Running a business is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of patience.
Why is patience so crucial?
Because growth doesn't happen overnight. It's about showing up every day, putting in the work, and waiting for the results to come. 🌱
The same goes for most important things in a business, from building an audience on social media to getting people on your email list.
Here are 3 essential elements for mastering patience in your entrepreneurial journey (and building an email list):
1. Consistency: Keep showing up, day after day. The small, consistent efforts compound over time, leading to significant results.
Put in the time to do the specfic activities that get you people more people on your email list. In most cases, that would be to produce more content (text, audio or video).
2. Long-Term Vision: Focus on where you want to be in the long run, not just the immediate gains. This helps you stay motivated and patient through the ups and downs.
It’s always hard to get momentum (read: go from literally 0 of anything to your first 100). This goes for followers on social media, email subscribers, booked sales calls, and clients.
3. Resilience: There will be setbacks. Embrace them, learn from them, and keep moving forward. Each challenge is a stepping stone towards your ultimate goal.
Do not get emotional about your results. Your result can be like “crickets” or it can go like a rollercoaster (up and down, then up and down again). It’s all about seeing things in the larger perspective and using DATA SIGNIFICANCE (a geeky term for having enough data BEFORE your make a decision).
Remember, every big success story started small and took time to build.
Patience is not just about waiting, it's about maintaining a positive attitude while working hard for what you believe in. 🌟
Keep pushing, stay consistent, and trust the process. Your marathon is leading you to greatness.
So which specific activity do you do every day in your business now?
Share below.
Love you guys.
Tor Refsland
How I Used PATIENCE To Build An Email List Of 10,000 Subscribers
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