How to get unicorn results from average VAs | EP 1
Are you feeling frustrated with your virtual assistants (VAs) or teammates who just can't seem to meet your reasonable expectations?
Today, we're diving into a game-changing strategy to improve the quality of work from your VAs with just three simple words.
About a year ago, I traveled to Sevilla with a picky friend. We spent an absurd amount of time trying to find the perfect vegan restaurant that also ticked other boxes like ambience and cost.
After multiple attempts and eventual frustration, I realized this is how many of us manage our teams—batting them with incomplete or ever-changing instructions!
This dinner fiasco was an eye-opener. Many of us give our teams impossible tasks because we fail to provide clear and specific instructions.
We need to be crystal clear about what we want, just like a wishlist for birthday gifts.
💪🏽The Three Words That Change Everything
So, what’s the magical trio? Purpose, End State, and Rules. Let’s break them down.
❔Purpose: Why is the task important? This connects a task to the greater mission of your business.
🥅End State: What will the world look like after this task is complete? How will we know the job is done satisfactorily?
📏Rules: What are the do’s and don'ts? This sets the boundaries within which creativity and execution should happen.
If you think your tasks are too difficult to delegate... 👇🏽
Let me share my background. I was a team leader in military bomb disposal. Picture the high-stakes scenario: I had to delegate complex tasks like medical and contingency plans to my team while focusing solely on the bomb. 💣
The same principle applies to business—you focus on your "bomb," or 5% that moves the needle, while your team handles the rest.
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Gabriel Von knorring
How to get unicorn results from average VAs | EP 1
CEO School:Online Entrepreneur
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