Romans 2:19💡
Romans 2:19 NLT states ““You are convinced that you are a guide for the blind and a light for people who are lost in darkness.”.
When I wake up in the morning, I have goals set already in order to accomplish my day and Win Every Day and Second I am provided through the grace of God.
1. Shine a Light on someone who is lost and in the darkness. Reason: Within 24 hours of a day we have to at least interact with 10 different people or even more, I am a strong believer I was called to the job and industry I am in to grow His kingdom to a limitless level. God is limitless and we are only on earth on a limited time so why would I not try to at least bring someone to a position on where they can shine a light on others as I attempted to on them.
2. Share an Experience or Testimony on how God is Working in my life at this very moment. Reason: Motivate and Inspire another individual to encourage them to Walk with the Lord and perform at the highest level they can.
3. Thank someone at least once. Reason: I want my gratefulness and thankfulness towards another person to inspire them on the blessings they have provided to myself through God.
Hunter Young
Romans 2:19💡
Limitless Faith
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