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Limitless Faith Discipleship is happening in 6 days
Unplugging For The Weekend
Gentlemen I’ve been prompted to unplug from all Social media and enter into a fast Many signs and confirmations If you ever feel as though you’re going too fast there’s always time to slow down I’ll be back Monday 🙏
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8 Lessons Learned Since Surrendering My Life To Jesus
8 Lessons I’ve Learned Since Surrendering My Life to Jesus Following Jesus has transformed my life in ways I never imagined. Here are eight powerful lessons I’ve learned on this journey of faith: 1. When You Start to Follow Jesus, Be Ready to Be Unfollowed Matthew 16:24 Embracing a life with Jesus may mean losing some connections, but it opens the door to deeper, more meaningful relationships. 2. Reading the Bible is More Important Than Listening to Any Podcast Luke 11:28 Dive into God’s Word daily. It’s the ultimate source of truth and guidance, surpassing any other form of media. 3. It’s not just about knowing the Bible; it’s about living it out in our daily lives. Strive to be a doer of the Word, not just a hearer 4. Learning to Repent is Something That is Not Talked About Enough Acts 3:19 True repentance is a powerful act of turning back to God. It’s a crucial step in spiritual growth that needs more emphasis in our lives. Faith Without Works Equals Death 5. Genuine faith is alive and active. It’s demonstrated through our actions and the way we live our lives. Hebrews 4:12 Faith Works When You Work on Faith Cultivate and strengthen your faith through prayer, study, and practice. Faith grows when you actively engage with it. James 2:14 6. All the Voices Around You Are Not Even Close to the One Voice That Matters John 10:27 Amidst the noise of the world, prioritize God’s voice above all others. It’s the only voice that truly guides and sustains us. 7. Trust in God, Live by Faith, Learn to Suffer, Rejoice in Your Suffering Romans 5:3-5 8. Trusting in God and living by faith gives us strength to endure hardships. Find joy in your trials, knowing they refine and strengthen your faith. Proverbs 3:5-6 Embrace these lessons as you walk your own path with Jesus, and remember that His love and wisdom are always there to guide you.
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8 Lessons Learned Since Surrendering My Life To Jesus
Discipleship This Morning 8:30am CST
Gentlemen good morning! Our weekly discipleship starts at 8:30am CST please don't be late and don't worry the recording will be saved Please see the link below to join
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Prayer For The Day ✝️
Daily Prayer ✝️ Compassionate God, In our hopelessness, be our beacon of light. In our weariness, be our source of strength. In our overwhelm, be our calm in the storm. Remind us of Your unfailing love, grant us rest for our tired souls, and peace for our troubled minds. Help us to trust in Your promises, to find refuge in Your presence, and to draw courage from Your grace. Renew our hope, restore our joy, and guide us through this challenging time. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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Prayer For The Day ✝️
Mission & Vision For Limitless Faith ✝️
Vision Statement: To empower high achievers to find true fulfillment, happiness, and peace through a transformative relationship with God. By fostering an environment where worries and anxieties are cast away at the feet of Jesus, we prioritize people over profit, helping individuals live a life of purpose by setting the standard in their spiritual, physical, and mental conditioning. Mission Statement: Our mission is to create a supportive and faith-driven community for high achievers seeking personal transformation through a three-step formula: spiritual conditioning, physical conditioning, and mental conditioning. By addressing the root issues that lead to stagnation, we guide individuals through the pain of change and the process of dying to self. We cultivate an environment that shifts focus from worldly love to loving God, providing tools and support for a life of true happiness, peace, and purpose. We are committed to prioritizing people over profit, ensuring that each individual experiences the transformative power of God's love and learns to set the standard daily in all aspects of life from the world to loving God, providing tools and support for a life of true happiness, peace, and purpose. We are committed to prioritizing people over profit, ensuring each individual experiences the transformative power of God's love. Core Values 👇 Honor Example: We honor God and each other by living with integrity and keeping our word. Whether in small tasks or big commitments, we do everything as an offering to God. Scripture: "Honor one another above yourselves." — Romans 12:10 Commitment Example: We are fully committed to personal and spiritual growth, showing up every day to invest in our relationship with God, family, and our own development. Scripture: "Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one." — Matthew 5:37 Discipline (Doing the Work) Example: We embrace discipline as the foundation for success in all areas—spiritually, physically, and mentally. We hold ourselves accountable to consistently do the work necessary for growth.
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Mission & Vision For Limitless Faith ✝️
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Limitless Faith
For Men Of God Looking To Grow In Spiritual, Mental & Physical Conditioning To Live Out God's Calling On Your Life
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