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Tackle Major Marketing Challenges Before Minor Tweaks
I've seen it over and over with my clients: they try to optimize their marketing by improving small things like ad copy, call-to-action buttons, and so on. While these tweaks make sense if the big things are already in place, many startups often lack in the main areas. You can focus on minor improvements that will boost your marketing by a couple of percent, or you can tackle the biggest issues for a significant impact. Some of the Big Things to Consider: - Is your initial offer appealing to the target audience? - Is it easy to take advantage of your offer, or is the contact form asking for too many things and not user-friendly? - Are you requiring too big of an investment from the first contact with the target audience, or do you need to establish trust first and then present your main offer? For more detailed instructions on how to elevate your marketing to the next level, check out this resource: Detailed Marketing Instructions
The Masterful Formula for Bringing Marketing to the Next Level
From working with hundreds of startups, I identified four key pillars that significantly enhance marketing success. - Clarity About the Target Audience Understand your audience to identify the best advertising channels, tailor your messages, and refine your products based on their needs and preferences. - Choosing the Position Wisely Position your business uniquely to stand out. Avoid offering generic services and instead, find your niche and become the best solution for your target audience. Use strategies like the Blue Ocean Strategy to identify untapped market spaces. - Getting and Keeping Attention with Storytelling Communicate your offer through compelling storytelling. Focus on the customer's journey, making them the hero who overcomes challenges with your solution. Show the transformation they will experience to keep their attention and make your message more relevant. - Focus on the Biggest Impact Concentrate your marketing efforts on the most effective channels. By dedicating resources to the best approach, you ensure a significant impact and higher chances of success compared to spreading efforts thin across multiple platforms. Learn the basics of the Masterful Formula in our free course:
The Real Cost of "Free" Marketing Activities for Startups
Many entrepreneurs gravitate towards so-called "free" marketing activities like posting on social media and optimizing their website for search engines (SEO). But are these methods truly free? In my opinion, especially with SEO and uncertain platforms like social media, these are often not the best choices for most startups. ⏰Consider the True Cost of Your Time First, these activities are only "free" if you don't count your time. Your time is valuable. You could be focusing on other activities that directly earn money, rather than spending hours on social media or SEO. This isn’t to say these methods are wrong, but it's crucial to consider the cost of your time. ✖︎The Exception If you are an expert in SEO or social media, then you know what you’re doing and can have the right expectations. For everyone else, here’s why these activities might not be the best use of your time. ▶︎SEO: A Long-Term Investment SEO is typically one of the least important activities for a startup at the beginning: - Time-Consuming: It takes a lot of time to rank for keywords. New websites can take 6-12 months just to start ranking, and that's if you're doing everything correctly. - Uncertain Results: For startups, 12 months is a long time, especially when there’s a lot of uncertainty about your business direction and offer. - Algorithm Changes: SEO is unpredictable due to frequent algorithm updates. You may not achieve the desired rankings even after significant effort. ►Social Media: A Slow Build Social media can be more effective than SEO, but it also has its challenges: - Slow Growth: Building a following takes time. Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn often limit the visibility of your page posts unless you pay for ads. - Personal Profiles: Using personal profiles might achieve better reach, but even then, it takes time to build an audience that converts into sales. - Effort-Intensive: You need many followers to generate sales, which usually requires a year or more of consistent effort.
Why your marketing might not be the only problem (+ get a FREE quick expert review!)
I've noticed a recurring issue with some clients who approach me to fix their marketing. While it's natural to assume that marketing holds the key to success, there are often other underlying factors at play. Here are 8 areas to check if your marketing isn't yielding results: 1. 🎁Offer Appeal: Is your product or service truly appealing to your target audience? If your offer doesn't resonate, no amount of marketing will make it successful. 2. 👥Target Audience: Are you targeting the right people? Misalignment between your product and audience can lead to poor results. 3. 🏷️Pricing Strategy: Is your pricing optimal? It's not always about being the cheapest. Ensure your pricing reflects value and profitability. 4. 📈Landing Page Optimization: Is your landing page effective? A poorly designed or confusing landing page can turn potential customers away. 5. 🛳️Onboarding Process: Is your onboarding process smooth? If it requires too many steps or is cumbersome, you might lose customers early on. --- For High-Ticket Items or Services: When selling higher-priced products or services, don't expect customers to buy immediately. Here’s what you should focus on: 6. 🔻Sales Funnel: Develop a robust sales funnel to guide prospects through the buying journey. Start with a lead magnet to capture contact information. 7. 🧲Lead Magnet: Offer something valuable in exchange for their contact info. This could be a free guide, e-book, webinar, or trial. 8. 🔃Retargeting: Use retargeting ads to keep your brand in front of potential customers. But remember, variety is key—don’t show the same ad repeatedly. Instead, provide valuable and diverse content to maintain interest and build trust. Final Thoughts 💭 Marketing is crucial, but it’s not always the only piece of the puzzle. Conduct a thorough audit of your entire business strategy. Sometimes, small tweaks in other areas can lead to significant improvements in your overall results. 🔎Get a free quick expert review! So you are not sure if it's just a marketing issue you're experiencing? Comment below with the area where you feel most challenged—whether it's your offer, audience targeting, pricing, landing page, or onboarding process. I'll provide a brief audit to help you identify potential improvements and guide you towards achieving better results.
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