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Agency Scaling Secrets [LIVE] is happening in 13 hours
🛡️MENTAL MASTERY Accountability Challenge🛡️
Starting today Im going to be documenting my daily journal LIVE in this community, and I want you to do the same ''You are what you repeatedly do'' If you repeatedly eat shit: you are ''unhealthy'' If you repeatedly smoke: you are a ''smoker'' If you say you're going to go to the gym 5x / week and you never miss a session you are ''disciplined' Habits can either work for you or work against you: and I can tell you from experience that once you drill positive habits into your day, it becomes your identity, and then it becomes effortless... Thats why I want to challenge you to do exactly that: take the next 30 days to rebuild your habits to serve you instead of acting AGAINST you. This is how it's going to work: RULES (REQUIRED for CHALLENGE) 1) Work on your business / side hustle for ONE HOUR every day (one day/week break is cool) 2) Weigh yourself EVERY MORNING 3) Work out EVERY DAY for one-hour minimum (Besides rest days) 4) Track what you eat (or at least guestimate so you're moving towards your goal physique) 5) Do one thing that's uncomfortable every single day * REQUIRED MUST TAKE A PROGRESS PHOTO EVERYDAY In order for this to be easier, I want you to use the Habit Tracker and Nutrition Log I show in all of my daily videos on youtube, you can get your copy and guide HERE: Share your habit tracker under this post with viewer access to hold yourself accountable, and DO NOT LIE TO YOURSELF when you slip up: it should fuel you to get back on track when you see a red ''X'' on your tracker Every day I want you to post under the post I will be making with your habit tracker + your physique pic and a breakdown of what you slipped up on if you did May the games begin🔥 P.S. Comment under this post ''IM IN'' if you're going to be doing this with me You can keep track of each days progress and reflect back here
New comment 8d ago
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I want to build something real with this community that doesnt feel spammy the minute you come into it. If you do see any spam please report it so we can remove them and keep this channel ''pure'' lol
New comment Aug 24
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Welcome to Self Mastery. The goal of this group is to connect agency owners and aspiring entrepreneurs across the world who want more out of life than a 9 to 5 and $50,000 a year... NO - I don't have anything to sell you. I'm not making this community to give you the blueprint to make ''$100k in 12 days'' or any of this other crazy bullshit you see on the internet. I remember when I first started this journey of self-development: it was overwhelming, I kept slipping up, and I was surrounded by the wrong people. The most difficult part for me was being around people I know didn't push me forward, but not having anyone else in my life who did. And that's the purpose of this community. To connect purpose-driven men who want more out of life (while also sharing the sauce that helped me scale to $100,000 a month at 17 years old 😉) All I ask is that if you join this community you lead with value. Don't hold anything back, and truly help others. Because when you give in abundance, you receive in abundance... 12 months ago I launched a community very similar to this one that grew to over 2,100 members - but I put it on pause because I felt like an imposter. I had a huge community but absolutely nothing to show for it. So I got to work, earned my stripes, and now feel a little bit more qualified to help others with personal development, achieving peak performance, and building a business that brings financial freedom. I just paid $100 to launch this community, so lets see how it goes :) To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. Your business, what you do and who you help 3. What one goal you're working towards right now See you in the comments! NOTE: My goal isn't to build a huge messy community. People will be kicked if they are inactive and do not help others.
New comment 11d ago
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New here, ready to connect!
Hi! I'm Sharon from Illinois. I run an e-commerce business where I sell electronic products. I've been into this for few months now and it has been quite fair. I have a family of four, two boys. I work as a registered nurse in an hospital in Illinois. I'll be more than happy to connect with y'all in the community
Lets choose to win today boys. I decided that i will win today, just gonna do my part & the rest is up to the God
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