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Coffee hour Q&A is happening in 5 days
Membership question from about tab
Hey Brandon, Just read the about tab info and saw that there is an option to join per month. Is that open and available yet or still in its infancy? Thanks!
New comment 13d ago
🧠 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) 🧠
To kick things off, please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know… #1 - Who are you, where are you from and what do you do? #2 - What do you want to get out of being in this community? #3 - For fun what do you like to do? #4 - Drop a photo of yourself or something that tells us about your highest flow activity :) I'll go first... Hey Everybody, I'm Brandon Day, from Montana, but living in Phoenix, Arizona for the last 10 years. I work with Entrepreneurs and former athletes to level up their performance, find purpose, and abolish pain using flow states and applied neurology. I want to offer up as much value and resources as I can to those interested in getting the most out of life and their innate human potential. I believe flow states give life meaning, and applied neurology and the brain is the path to achieving an autotelic personality (flow-prone bad-ass). That said, I hope to do my part in fostering a thriving community of like-minded individuals that can allow me to have the greatest impact possible, while giving me the time-freedom to be the father I envision for the triplets coming to our home this fall :) For fun, I like to play guitar and sing, play sports of all kinds, board games, card games, see live shows, and spend time with close friends and family in nature. Here are a couple photos of flow activities for me:
New comment 25d ago
🧠 Welcome! Please Introduce Yourself :) 🧠
How did you find the NeuroFlow Performance Lab?
Would you take a second and let me know how you ended up here?
13 members have voted
[FREE Training] - Default Day Checklist
You're only as good as your default day. When life happens, there is a saying that states, "you never rise to the level of your expectations, you fall to the level of your training." It's easy to do all the right things when there's no pressure. When your day is free of calls, meetings, and all the fires that need to be put out, it's easy to get in some self-care, eat right, and get a good workout in. But what happens when sh*t hits the fan? What's the first thing to go? Your workout? Your meditation? Eating right or remembering to drink water? It's important for your default day to be the fallback that keeps you moving forward. I made this checklist for a client recently, and thought I would share it with you guys in this community. I've made a little video training to go with it, and you can copy the document and save it for yourself. I hope it gives you an idea of how to make sure you cross the big rocks off the list so that when things go sideways, your default day will continue your forward momentum and flow in life, business, and relationships. Check it out in the Classroom ACTION STEPS Comment below with any insights or questions you have after watching the training and looking over the checklist.
New comment Aug 11
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NeuroFlow Performance Lab
Where high performers come to learn and share ways to get the most out of our brains and bodies to find more flow and achieve the impossible.
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