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Yesterday was my last day at the university, and today is the first day of freedom. Thanks to this group, all of its members, your support and words of encourage I have now made the transition into being a digital nomad (although not nomadic quite yet!). A special shout out to Brett, mate your journey has been one of the reasons I am now free! Your YouTube channel was where it all started for me. I am fortunate that my teaching contract still pays me until the end of August, but the joys of being in education sees me having a blooming long summer holiday! But that being said I have work to do, having secured 22 clients since March 2024, with half of them being active, I am busy. With my new found freedom I am now focused 100% on digital content, raising my own brand, and also creating the "illusive" make once sell forever "digital product/products! As most of you know my location, and that at the beginning of the year I applied for a permanent residency card, well the 6 month processing time is due at the end of this month, my fingers are crossed that I get a positive response very soon. My wife and I will enjoy the summer exploring China, and in October I am heading back to the UK to do my fatherly duties for my daughter's wedding! Onwards and upwards!
New comment Jun 23
My journey to Diversify Income Streams: A Plan for Online Teachers in China
I haven't posted for a while, it's been a busy time moving towards "Nomad day". SO week commencing the 17th June is the final week at university, The end exam date hasn't been given yet, but it is this week, with my final input being grading the exam itself! There is a possibility I may still be at this university next September, they've offer me a contract to which I have rejected but let the door open for me to work there as a freelancer, so its very much like what I do privately, get paid for the classes I actually teach. Regardless of their response I will be unshackled in 6 weeks! As you all know, I am nearly exclusively an online teacher based in China, I'm excited to share my plan to diversify my income streams. One main reason for this is the almost seasonal nature of the online availability of students, I have noted that as the end of term exams approach, private work slows down a bit, then there is the holiday seasons as well, so I need to prepare some passive income streams. Here's a synopsis of the steps I'm going to take and a tentative timeline for each venture: 1. Create and Sell Online Courses Plan: I will leverage my expertise to create self-paced online courses on English test preparation for IELTS, Pearson's, and Cambridge English testing systems. These courses will be sold on Chinese Apps, "WeChat" and "the little red book". The little red book app (Xiaohongshu 小红书.) Timeline: I aim to complete the course creation in the next 6 months and launch it on the mentioned platforms. 2. Start a Blog Plan. I will start a blog where I'll share my experiences and insights about online teaching. I'll write about topics like 'Transitioning from In-Class to Online Teaching', 'Engaging Students in an Online Class', and more. This blog will be via my personal website and will also be shared via my already up and running newsletters. Does anyone have suggestions on whether to create a YouTube channel or website? The newsletters I make now I send directly to the groups and individuals I work with.
New comment Jun 8
My journey to Diversify Income Streams: A Plan for Online Teachers in China
Your vision for the future...
I'm curious, what's your vision for the future? Where do you see yourself and your online business heading? It's the first step towards getting there.
New comment Jun 3
Your vision for the future...
Well iv'e opend a bussinesss and serbia and I'm also teaching English online
Hello everyone! I've been a member of this group for over a year but haven't posted anything until now. I joined to learn more and connect with like-minded, ambitious individuals who are dedicated to creating something for themselves. I went to trade school in the U.S. and became a plumber. Three years ago, I traveled to Serbia for the first time and have been returning ever since. Currently, I've opened a plumbing company in Serbia, focusing on providing services to the growing community of expats moving here. In addition to this career transition, I also teach English online. I'm looking for other ways to diversify my business strategy and wanted to introduce myself to see if anyone else is in the Balkans. I'd love to learn more about others' experiences and make more connections. Look forward to talking to you guys!
New comment Jun 2
Personal social media vs brand social media
Thoughts .. I’m still going at it with the online English language school , Do I A. Create a a generic influencer YouTube/Instagram channel and promote my business from there? If my business flops then I can still use my influencer account to work with other brands (generic name like, learn english with Adam) Or . …… B. Just put all of my content onto my branded business YouTube Instagram account Maybe I’m overthinking this , but so far social media has been a big uphill battle Appreciate your thoughts guys Thanks 🙏
New comment Feb 24
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