Everytime I passed by a pub during Friday nights, they're always packed with people.
I can't help but feel a little sad inside it feels as if other than drinking their lives into oblivion, there's nothing else to look forward into.
If your are truly happy and fulfilled with your life, what do you even want to numb yourself?
I feel like "Friday night" is a big cope sold to the poor souls who wanted to numb themselves, especially the crippling dreadfulness of Sunday nights knowing that you're going back to the same commute, the same cubicle doing the same things the next day, and you'll do it AGAIN AND AGAIN!
Sometimes I wondered if it would be happier for me if I don't have such awareness, and maybe going out drinking with my friends every Friday and deem it as "normal life" would be better.
That's why they said, ignorance is bliss, and the more you know, the harder it is for you to be happy.
The only way out is to build the rocket ship during my sentence in a 9-5, and get out of it asap whatever it takes.