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Welcome Message
I'm glad that you decided to join our community. If you have any questions about what we discussed in our content or if you just want to discuss different topics, feel free. Remember to treat everyone with respect. The goal of this community is to help people become the best versions of themselves in all areas of life: financial, physical, mental (knowledge), and spiritual (relationships and purpose).
New comment Nov '23
Progress One Step at a Time
Today, we hit 1k subscribers on our YouTube channel. This is a good milestone but there is much more work to do. We've been focusing more on short form content for awareness. Sometime this year, we'll return to more long form content. More philosophy breakdown, more topics that will help in day-to-day life, and more.
The Blacklist is Live
It's time to start truly helping people become the best versions of themselves. I've been working on Rethinking Education in the background at This is the beginning of the foundation of our community. My goal is that everyone is living to the best of their abilities, that you're not stuck in a job you don't like, and you are pursuing your passion. This is the first step in a long journey. The book is free to download and you can sign up for The Blacklist which is the newsletter where I give insights from my own journey.
Goals are Necessary
I've been realizing more and more that people lack proper goals. The goals I'm talking about long-term goals. What do you want to pursue in life? What do you want to do in 10 years or 20 years? Thinking this far out is important because it will help you put your current actions into perspective. Is what you are doing now bringing you closer to your goals. Is there a more efficient, and even enjoyable, method? I challenge you to reflect on your goals and write them down for the rest of the community. I like the concept of SMART goals. SMART goals are: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. For example, I WILL make $1m in liquid cash in 3 years. As you can see, I am specific. It can be easily measured. I know it is achievable because others have done it before me and I have the ability to learn from their experiences. It is relevant because it is a stepping stone for my later, more long term goals. And, finally it is timely because I gave myself a time requirement to achieve this goal. Try this exercise and take that next step to success.
Greed is Good || Chapter Black
The goal of this video is to inspire everyone to pursue their dreams, without hurting others. There is nothing wrong with wanting more and more. In fact, it's a natural human desire.
Greed is Good || Chapter Black
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Path to Nocturnity
Our group discusses topics related to self-development, philosophy, spirituality, and wealth to ignite your curiosity and inspire personal growth.
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