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Legacy (Music Video)
Our very first music video has been posted. I'm really proud of the work of @Mark anthony Salvador for the Amazing Editing.
Legacy (Music Video)
Hope for Democracy
A speech that aims to inspire hope.
New comment Jan 18
Hope for Democracy
Introducing the Doves
The introduction video for The Doves has finally been released. This is group is essential because people are stronger when working together. This has been true throughout time. We want to make Nocturnity a community where everyone's efforts helps one another
Introducing the Doves
Introducing the Stewards
The video introducing The Stewards has been released on YouTube. The Stewards specialize in business, finance, wealth accumulation and the management of resources. Like Jesus said, "Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won't you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, saying, 'This person began to build and wasn't able to finish.'"
New comment Nov '23
Introducing the Stewards
Introducing the Paragons
We have finally introduced the first group within Nocturnity. We felt that The Paragons had to be introduced first because they embody the essence of our community. As the leaders, their focus is to guide the entire community on their journey of self-realization. Likewise, the goal of Nocturnity is to help the world on its journey of self-realization.
Introducing the Paragons
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Path to Nocturnity
Our group discusses topics related to self-development, philosophy, spirituality, and wealth to ignite your curiosity and inspire personal growth.
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