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Prophet dream - leaving my job
Last night I had a dream that felt significant. Interested in your thoughts 😊 I know that Daryl as a prophet would represent God speaking. I was with a group of young women and we were talking about changing jobs and i mentioned that I’d had 21 jobs in the last 20 years (this isn’t actually true though). Daryl Crawford-Marshall was sitting nearby and said he often spoke words to transition people out of jobs. I went and sat with him and asked him if I’m meant to leave my job (as I hadn’t heard a clear yes on Gods timing). He said yes I am meant to leave. Daryl reminded me that he had recently given me 3 gifts to signify the transition and asked me if I remembered what they were (I got the sense that I’d already delayed making this change): The 3 gifts were A pink pen 🖊️ A colorful woven Middle eastern looking scarfe/ cloak 🥻 A note typed on small piece of paper (i knew it was an important instruction/ plan) 📃
Very weird dream - fish and we-fie
Hi all, I had a very weird dream this week. am lost in interpretation. Appreciate your comments/wisdom!
New comment 2d ago
Help interpreting a dream
I had a dream last night that my landlord told me I needed to take care of the rosebushes, and when I went into the backyard, he had changed everything and put the rosebushes into black raised beds. I also noticed he had put in an apple tree that already had fruit ready to eat on it. I was surprised that he did all this nice work but did take notice in the dream that it was weird that the raised beds for the roses were black and there were 2 of them. In real life, it’s been hard for me to take care of the rosebushes in the season of life I’m in with four little kids, but my landlord was coming to close down the pool and so I did some pruning of them. I have felt a bit of guilt about not being able to take better care of them. When my landlord came, he didn’t say anything about them at all.
New comment 4d ago
Question about dream
Does anyone have insight on what it would mean to rescue a child from drowning in a dream? I’ve had 3 dreams where I was rescuing a child, a different child in each dream and in 3 different water situations I’m each one. The first was a bathtub and I gave the child CPR and they revived. The second was a river where we were crossing a bridge and they fell in and I grabbed them back out before they got swept away and the third time was in a swimming pool where they sink down to the bottom in a sitting position and I swam down and pulled them back up.
New comment 5d ago
How have you received direction from the Lord?
Not every opportunity that presents itself is from God, as we know. I've recently felt like I was at a crossroad, and I could go this way, or go that. After asking the Lord for clarity, I had a dream that I travelled to a road named Cross's Rd. (Our church used to be on Cross's Rd.) There were a group of people hungry for God. I found myself travelling with them locally, a little further on down the road into a newer housing area. There was a gathering of believers there. It was like a newly established home group meeting with people from various churches. The people were a mixed bag. Some were hungry for God, some were faithful believers who went to a lot of meetings, and then I spotted a couple who I discerned were only nice to me because of what I carried. The journey down that road did not feel like the fruitful way. (I'm not thinking of changing churches. It's just that opportunities get presented to us, and they're not all from God.) I found myself eliminating that local option. This then made the other option become so much clearer to me! I thank God that He can speak to us in dreams! How about you, what experiences have you had in receiving direction from the Lord? <3
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