Frequency waves
Last night the spiritual atmosphere was so active I felt in my spirit that the intensive is going to be so next level in supernatural frequency. I saw frequency waves like radio satellite. I kept seeing signals coming in. We are the satellite and we are receiving the frequency of Heaven. Get ready fam it's going to be an unusual, unique ride for it's so different from what we have experienced this far. Visions are going to be more clear, dreams more vivid and downloads of strategies, angelic activity more evident and thick in the atmosphere. Time transporting will occur and you will see in advance what God will do the next day, next week, next month. Things that should have taken 10 years will be restored and redeemed in 10mins. For our God is Time there is no boundaries with Him. Believe for the unusual the impossible. Be radical- for He will do it for you for He loves you.
Get ready get ready get ready.
Mayra Lopez
Frequency waves
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