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Prophetic Inner Circle

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47 contributions to Prophetic Inner Circle
Who are those willing to pick up their spades and dig deeper?
The Lord downloaded this word to me whilst I was sat on the beach last Wednesday : A word from the Lord I am looking for people that won’t only scratch the surface but will dig deep . I saw people with spades digging in the soil when they had dug only a little, they found water I heard the words I’m not looking for a rake generation but a spade generation . This who want to go deeper who are not satisfied with the surface . I’m looking for an Ekekiel 47 generation , those that crave to go deeper!! We are to move in to deeper waters . With that comes risk and trust as you sometimes can’t see what lies beneath , you can’t touch the bottom . I heard the Lord say this is where you follow my lead and realise I am your safety net. It’s when you stop relying on your self protection and move in to fuller faith . Full reliance on Him! It is the unknown and He has so much beauty and hidden things to show you ! Some will want to turn back and stand on solid ground in the shallows because it is safe to them and what they know . Like Peter when Jesus had died and resurrected he went back to what he knew as that was his safe place to go back to being a fisherman . But Jesus had so much more for him and to show him . Ephesians 3:20 - to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever imagine. He wants to show us Jeremiah 33:3 moments! I dare you step into the water , dare to go deeper, pick up your spade. He has so much to share and show you !
New comment 1d ago
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Michele wow what a word. I love how God has expanded your eagles wings so wide and you are soaring in your razor sharp eagles eyes. The words and visions God has given you and shown you is WOW! 😮
Revelation from a blind man
Hello everyone! When a blind man share a revelation to me as a message he received for me. Should I accept the revelation and begin to work on it or I should pray that God should give the revelation to me myself for confirmation before I take steps? A blindman shared a dream he had about me that I should begin a program online tag deliverance online, he mentioned it in my language (itusile ori afefe). He said he saw I was doing the program and my voice was acceptable. This man has not seen me physically because he is blind but he said he knew it was me because of my voice. I asked him that what language was I speaking in the dream and he said I was speaking my language and English.
New comment 5d ago
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Hi! I would not emphasize on whether or not he is blind for creditability. Every prophetic word we received we should always seek God and what He is saying to us specifically. My question is does this word resonate? You know how God speaks to you personally- is it His voice? My sheep knows my voice. Thirdly I would pray and ask God to confirm this if this is from Him. He LOVES to confirm. And He will do so where there is No confusion. For we serve a God that is NOT of confusion but clarity. Amen. Hope this helps!
Question about dream
Does anyone have insight on what it would mean to rescue a child from drowning in a dream? I’ve had 3 dreams where I was rescuing a child, a different child in each dream and in 3 different water situations I’m each one. The first was a bathtub and I gave the child CPR and they revived. The second was a river where we were crossing a bridge and they fell in and I grabbed them back out before they got swept away and the third time was in a swimming pool where they sink down to the bottom in a sitting position and I swam down and pulled them back up.
New comment 5d ago
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Hi Crystal, may I ask what were you feeling in your dreams? Any color or was it dull lifeless gray and dark shading? Did u feel fear or authority or confused etc? Our feelings actually play a big role on the interpretation as well. Thank u for clarifying that they are your natural children. I did notice that the age was 3 and 1. Three of course means Trinity and 1 there is only One true God. What I did sense was the first one was that you breathe life into the baby. You basically resurrected the baby back to life. The 2nd baby fell or stumbled so this refers to maybe traps or hindrances to cause falling but you caught them. The three was at the bottom of a pool. This one can have two meanings. Pool and water can mean marine spirits like Levithian and such but can also speak about Holy Spirit, pool of Bethesda where people got healed by the Angel of the Lord. Seemed the baby may have been submerged unnoticed of the "drowning". Usually this state is either at peace and ease because if he was lifeless he wouldn't have been sitting. I sense the protective nature you have over your children spiritual well being and are rescuing them (interceding) them from traps of the enemy. You breath life into them resurrecting any thing that enemy may try to use to kill, steal or destroy. Hope this helps!
“It’s time for the creatives to arise”
They have been living underground. They have been fighting for their lives. They have been fighting over the promises of God. They know they were born for so much more. They have a fire, a knowing in their spirit that they have so much to give yet the years of warfare have worn them down. They have a voice, a creative voice, unlike that of others. They have an assignment, a specific assignment and are ready to receive. They have been trained, they are now war ready. Ready to face the onslaught for they now stand firm. They stand on the rock that they know is their strength, their truth, their hope. It’s time to arise! You! My might warriors! My creatives! You were born for such a time as this. You were born to carry My heart, My fire, My glory. Don’t shrink back, for now is your time to shine. When the world looks dark, you My loved ones will illuminate the spaces I send you to. You will release My truth, you will release the deep things of My heart with such a purity, such a passion and with such a deep submission to Me. Your eyes will be opened to things you’ve never even dreamt of seeing. Your imagination will come alive with the down pouring of revelation I am releasing. Rise creatives! Rise and proclaim the name of your God! Make My name famous in all the earth! Declare My truth, My will, My ways to all the people. Let a wave, a ripple effect go out over the nations to create a new sound, a new reality, the Kingdom reality. My creatives, you will awaken My bride. You will be able to speak in ways others cannot. Don’t be surprised when I show up in your world, for what I am about to do through you is far more than you ever dreamt or imagined. A new wave is coming! This wave is My creatives! “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭24‬:‭7‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?””
New comment 3d ago
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Deliverance Questions
OK, I was praying over someone last night who needed deliverance. I ended up giving him a sick bag, as he was being set free from asthma and a number of other things. He coughed and dribbled a bit. 1) Someone said you can command a demon not to vomit. Your thoughts on that please? 2) Online, I've watched people coughing, what some have called a "poisonous substance". That's not been my experience. Can anyone shed some light on that please?
New comment 5d ago
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Hi Vikki, unsure who said you can command a demon not to vomit. Is this one specific minister? Actually vomiting is one of the ways to be delivered. I heard a Facebook minister say that you Should command to come out thru the mouth and it manifests in coughing, gagging, vomiting etc. God can deliver anyone anyway He would like. When I was delivered from a spirit of infinity the spirit lifted off of me. Uncontrollable sneezing is also a way to be delivered. Demonic on the spirit it can be slithering on the floor, screaming, mocking by laughing etc. This is where discernment and the leading of Holy Spirit is crucial. Hope this helps.
1-10 of 47
Mayra Lopez
286points to level up
A daughter of the Most High King. Looking to expand my wings and soar into my destiny and ministry.

Active 53m ago
Joined Aug 14, 2024
Florida/New Jersey
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