I am not the God of delay
I am not the God of delay. I am the God who spoke and worlds were created. I heard the words last night I am not the God of delay. I had a dream with a part of it where I was sat near a fireplace and was about to move but first I needed to tie up my shoelaces . The Lord interpreted to me . Many have felt delayed it’s time to tie up any loose ends and move in to what He has already got ready for us. I felt a feeling like being a bit late to the table , He is already there waiting for us to tie up loose ends that won’t take long but if not dealt with will trip us up . He wants us to move in to what he has for us NOW. I was then reminded of the movie “ Yes day” and the parents had to say yes to whatever the kids asked for all day . I felt like the Lord said you have my yes , just ask me. I heard the verse Ask and It will be given to you , seek, and you will find, Knock and it will be opened to you . Matthew 7:7
Michele Reeve
I am not the God of delay
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