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Starting Over
Hey guys just wanting to share my issues. I have been addicted to this horrible behavior to just over 3 years now and am just needing to recommit to recovery. I feel like I am grasping at straws but nothing has been able to stop me from acting out. I also have the opportunity to date women but this addiction has kept me concealed from not being able to totally put myself out there because of this. I am ready to fully commit. Looking to help others as well. Reach out if need to. Cheers.
overcame the porn exposure.
5 months 28 days sober. it wasn't easy but i eventually found a way to defeat the devil and the urges of not giving in to it. one book that opened my eyes to overcome the habits. BOOK: Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill. strongly recommend you try to give it a read its a eye opener book. it may help with others to overcome the porn/other addictions to reach your full potential.😀
New comment Feb 28
My first step
Hi all hope your all doing well. Iv seen prostitute‘s on and off for about 7 years now only about 2 years ago maybe 3 that I realised I couldn't stop. Iv mostly tried to stop by will power but I defiantly know I carnt stop on my own. I stopped for 4 months once and then slipped up and again and then I slipped up again yesterday after 1 month. I feel this problem will never go away. Im 27 now and dont want to be dealing with this in my 30’s. Im willing to do everything I can to stop I just need support. Looking forward to my call with Josh today and hopefully get into the program he has set up. I need this change in my life to become a better person. Sorry the paragraph but needed to get it off my chest. Im here to support and be supported by people like me. That want to overcome this horrible addiction.
New comment Feb 25
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