(Take 1 min to read this entire post so you know how to get the most out of this community) First of all... So awesome that you found your way here to the #1 Health & Fitness Community for Everyday Heroes (First Responders, Military Personnel, Medical Professionals) who are ready to burn fat, build muscle, and increase their performance... so they can be fit for duty and fit for life... and do so while still having fun. In case we have never met you should probably know that over the past few years we have: 💪 Helped more than 600+ Everyday Heroes get fit for duty and for life 💪 Coached and trained 100's to passing their physical fitness tests and getting in the best shape of their lives. 💪 And today, we routinely help Everyday Heroes lose 10, 20, and 30 pounds of body fat while packing on lean athletic muscle mass. Our goal is to make this free community better than the last coaching program or personal trainer you bought. That means that we have some high standards and are building a community of people who actually engage, support, share, contribute and grow together. We regularly ... 1️⃣ Clear out members who are not active or engaged 2️⃣ Decline about 30% of people who request to join our community 3️⃣ Delete posts that are low value or quality So welcome to the community and thank you for being a contribution and participating. Your results are not going to come from watching our content... they are going to come from engaging, asking questions and TAKING ACTION!! Your First Action Steps: ✅ Step #1) FOLLOW STEFAN ON INSTAGRAM ✅ Step #2) INTRODUCE YOURSELF HERE ✅ Step #3) GO THROUGH THE EVERYDAY HERO PROTOCOL WELCOME TO THE HEALTH & FITNESS COMMUNITY FOR EVERYDAY HEREOS! We're pumped to serve you.