Job Descriptions - fact or fiction?
You decide enough is enough. The current person who allegedly is in charge has done another mind-blowing ridiculous thing, has decided something that is so stupid that even Enron didnt fk it up that bad or has even asked you to do something, in the name of security, that you know, in your heart of hearts is just wrong.
You decide its time for a new job.
You think you know your skillset, you put your cv together with a rough approximation of your recent activities, you had 10% bluster and you convert it into PDF
Then you are ready to apply for that one job that is out there where things are done well .. or at least better .. or at least not as badly as the current one.
How many of you look at the job postings and despair all over again.
Job titles that make no sense, descriptions that are just so overly long that you need a lunch break to understand it all, and benefits packages that make you gasp with incredulity in their inanity.
Should there actually be some better definitions on what roles are what?
In the military, the rank of an officer dictates his/her general status in the org. You dont fk with people that have more bird shit on their shoulders than you, and you have to feign deference when receiving not-so-polite requests to do shit.
In the private sector - not so much.
So, let's pick my not-so-favourite job role. (that even has its own Wiki page)
Should this role exist?
If it should, what should it have in its JD?
Duncan Proffitt
Job Descriptions - fact or fiction?
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