Tip of the Day: Mechanical Tension for Muscle Growth 💪
Hey team, let's dive into what makes muscles grow: mechanical tension.
Forget the latest fancy exercises; this is the key. Here’s the best explanation you’re going to hear:
When you lift a weight, gravity wants to yank it down hard. This creates torque, trying to lengthen your muscles.
Your muscles, being the heroes they are, fight back. They generate what's essentially anti-torque, working to prevent this lengthening. The heavier the weight or the more fatigued you get, the tougher this battle becomes. This constant tug-of-war between gravity and your muscles is what we call mechanical tension. So, if you want to maximize mechanical tension:
Fewer quick, sloppy reps. More controlled, deliberate reps!
Try focusing on this during your next workout. Feel that burn? That’s your muscles fighting gravity and growing stronger.
Do you have any strategies for increasing mechanical tension?
Red 5
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Coach Red
Tip of the Day: Mechanical Tension for Muscle Growth 💪
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