My Thursday as a 12 year old boy
15/8-24 (Writing this the day after)
I woke up around at 06.40 and ate breakfast that this time was oatmeal with milk, chia seeds, raisins and honey on. Then I prepared everything for school before going to school. School finished at 13.40, but got home at around 13.55. I toke a snack that was a banana, a glass with oatmeal, chia seeds, milk and raisins, and some dates and almonds aside.
I chilled before heading to a extra technical training, that was around 50 minutes and when I was done, I saw some of my friends, warming up to theirs training, that is the same academy I have been talking to lately. And out of nothing, the trainer asked me if I wanted to join, and I of course said yes.
It was a good training session, we’re there was focus on physical and small sided. The training session was 1 hour and 25 minutes long.
After the training, I walked and talked with my friends before going home. And when I got home I told a nice cold shower, before dinner. Dinner was a big potato with pesto on, chops, and some nice salad aside.
Afterwards I did 15 minutes of foam rolling, before getting ready for sleeping, and then did 20 minutes of journaling and the swim Hof breathing exercise before sleeping.
I was happy and relaxed throughout the day, but also a bit tired and I know I should have done better in my habits.
Todays checklist:
  • 9 hours < of sleep✅
  • 10 minutes of meditation ❌
  • 5 minutes of visualisation ❌
  • Analyse for at least 15 minutes ❌
  • Warm or cold shower✅
  • Journaling✅
  • Wim Hof breathing exercise✅
  • Football training✅
  • Stretch or mobility for at least 20 minutes ❌
  • 10-15 minutes of foam rolling✅
  • No screen before 08.00 am✅
  • No screen after 20.00 pm✅
  • Drink at least 2 l. Of water ✅
  • Eat healthy ✅
  • At least 20 minutes of reading ❌
  • No scrolling on social media ✅
  • >1.5 hours of phone time ✅
Todays quote: “it all comes when least expected”
Astor Munch Hein
My Thursday as a 12 year old boy
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