Thursday 5/9-24
Daily goals:
  • 9 hours of sleep ✅
  • No screen before 08.00 am✅
  • No screen after 20.00 pm✅
  • No scrolling on social media ✅
  • Less than 1 hour of phone time❌
  • Meditation for 10 minutes ❌
  • Visualisation for 5 minutes ❌
  • Listen to podcast for 15 minutes✅
  • Deep breath work❌
  • Drink at least 2 litres of water ✅
  • Cold/warm shower✅
  • Journaling ✅
  • Pray ✅
  • Eat healthy ✅
  • Foam rolling for 10-15 minutes ✅
  • Stretching/mobility for at least 20 minutes ❌
  • Stop complaining ✅
  • Read for 20 minutes ❌
  • Football training✅
  • Workout/ball mastery/wall work❌
Quote: “Failure is not your enemy, fear is.” -
Stay strong!
Astor Munch Hein
Thursday 5/9-24
RicFit Tribe
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