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Push workout in Thailand
Just did the push workout in a tiny hotel gym in Thailand, got a pretty good workout in. IT WORKS ANYWHERE ANYTIME BABY
Push workout in Thailand
Re-filmed workout videos
I just re-filmed the three push/pull/legs workout videos to make them more concise and organized. Your feedback helps you, haha so thank you. Also, if you didn't notice our URL has changed to a shorter and better looking:
Workouts in Thailand
Should I film and post some videos of me working out in Thailand? 🤔
New comment Feb 28
My workout playlist
I realized a lot of the rap music I listen to isn't aligned with my values/beliefs and just speaks about drugs, sex & violence and is probably not healthy to listen to haha so here's my current playlist if you need one for your workouts. Its not 100% pure but its an improvement I think haha
New comment Feb 27
My Goals
22 lbs in 10 months 💪🏽 Age - 31 Height - 6’5 Current weight - 183 lbs Goal weight - 205 lbs Goal gains - 0.55lbs/week Daily Calories Needed: 3,220 “Why” - I want to be and feel like the best version of myself physically and fill out my frame more. I want to exercise discipline and self love in all areas of my life. This program is the way I can check the “physical” box of discipline and self love and build momentum for my spiritual and mental areas of my life. 205lbs would match the “heaviest” I’ve ever been but, I’m also challenging myself to do it with “healthier” calories. Been tracking my calories today on my fitness pal and realizing I haven’t nearly been eating enough consistently haha.
New comment Feb 26
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