Day 5-7: Practice Makes Powerful !
You’ve started taking the first steps—introducing yourself, reflecting on your confidence struggles, and pushing through some small challenges. Now it’s time to double down and practice confidence in a way that sticks.
🔥 Confidence in Action: Social Mastery Challenge
Over the next few days, we’re focusing on something CRITICAL: Becoming socially confident in any environment.
To be confident, you need experience in the situations that scare you. So here’s your next challenge:
💬 Challenge: Talk to 5 New People
Yep, 5! This could be anyone—a stranger, someone at the gym, a coworker, even a classmate. The goal is to practice starting conversations and building connection. The more you do it, the more natural it will feel. Don’t overthink it, just go for it.
Here’s how to approach it:
  1. Smile and make eye contact 😄 – First impressions matter!
  2. Ask an open-ended question 🤔 – Something simple like “How’s your day going?” or “What do you think about [make something relevant]?”
  3. Be curious 🧠 – Listen more than you talk. People love it when you show genuine interest in what they’re saying.
⚡️ Bonus Tip: Body Language is Key
Did you know 55% of communication is non-verbal? Your body language speaks volumes about your confidence before you even say a word.
Here’s a quick hack: Stand tall, shoulders back, and relax your posture. You’ll instantly feel more confident, and others will notice it too. Try this out during your conversations.
🔄 Reflection Time
Once you’ve completed the challenge, come back here and share how it went:
  1. How did the conversations feel? Was it awkward or easier than you thought?
  2. What did you notice about your body language or the other person’s?
  3. Did you feel more confident as you went along?
Remember, every conversation is a win, whether it felt smooth or clunky. You’re building muscle here, and the more you do it, the stronger your confidence will get. 💪
🔥 Pro Tip: This week, pay attention to how you feel after each conversation. The more you practice, the more social anxiety melts away. By the end of these 30 days, you’ll be holding conversations like a pro!
Let’s keep the momentum going. Comment below when you’ve completed the challenge and let’s celebrate those wins together! 🚀
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Maxim Suldin
Day 5-7: Practice Makes Powerful !
MAXimized Confidence
Learn how to be and stay confident in everything you do😎
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