IRL Start 🤝!
Hi Guys, was meant to do this a week ago, so you can already see one of my bad habits which is procrastination lol.
Other bad habits I have are :
  • Poor diet ( I eat a lot of junk food - I am 6'2 80kg btw so I am not unhealthy at first glance ) but this is because I go to the gym. Not as often as I used to of late, but I still go when I can.
  • Relationship with money : Terrible - Bad at budgeting (not necessarily bad but I rarely budget this is because a lot of expenses come up out of the blue (Excuse probably)), also I spend a lot on food unnecessarily, when I get paid or get money in general I tend to find / buy things I think I need but don't really need lol.
  • I am currently learning how to trade currencies
  • Also good at sales
  • Currently a student as well, studying Software engineering, so I am learning software development as well.
What I want to Overcome
  • Procrastination
  • Impulse buying and spending habits
  • Sleeping habits - I want to build a proper routine that will allow me to be efficient
Also to hold my self accountable I will be posting in here at 5am UK time, that's when I want to be up everyday (Weekends excluded for now)🤝
This was hard to post, a bit out of my comfort zone but hey. Have to step out of it to level up. Look forward to meeting everyone!
Jesse Darko
IRL Start 🤝!
The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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