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The IRL Game ๐ŸŒŽ

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213 contributions to The IRL Game ๐ŸŒŽ
Honesty without kindness is manipulation
Yesterday, I was chatting with my friend about a photo that I think about daily. It's the photo about the wolf and sheep. First, I'll explain the photo if there are still confusions. The wolf tells the sheep, "you were born to feed me. I was born to kill you. This is our reality." He is honest, but he is not kind. There is brutality in his eyes, violence in his fur. The sheep stays at his spot, seemingly giving up in running away. The wolf considers this a kindness on his part. To not struggle is to sacrifice, and that is a kindness the wolf appreciates. But the sheep is not honest with his kindness. He does not tell the wolf about the trap that lays underneath its paws. He is silent in the confrontation between prey and predator. There is no evil or good in this pic. There is only humanity depicted by a wolf and a sheep. I remember seeing it for the first timeโ€”I asked myself, what does it mean by kindness without honesty? What kindness is there without a shred of honesty? And how brutal can honesty be without kindness? My questions seem redundant but I did question alot about it ๐Ÿ˜‚. What do you think? This pic made me and my friend do a philosophy hour lmao.
New comment 16h ago
Honesty without kindness is manipulation
I was sad
I argued with a friend and it made me want to write. I first wrote this sentence; It takes two to argue, but one to die. It's about how this friend was talking about unfriending a guy who could potentially throw another friend into su*cide. I was just frustrated that he was willing to do so much for this friend, but not me. This is by all means, nothing special. But I just wanted to write about something nostalgic. Because losing friends isn't anything special.
New comment 1d ago
I was sad
2 likes โ€ข 3d
@Chris Wilson both actually! Writing helps me alot in my life. I've been writing since I was 9 years old.
2 likes โ€ข 2d
@Alicia Dane oh my gosh, im so sorry...
Beating procrastination
I found this while scrolling through YouTube. Hilarious and short but quite clever. I might use some of these tips for my own work ๐Ÿ˜‚
New comment 2d ago
Beating procrastination
2 likes โ€ข 3d
@Chris Wilson dividing the work into smaller parts. Why wrack my head for the whole book and plot twists, if i should just focus on one chapter at a time ๐Ÿ˜‚. I can totally edit it when I'm done
New category
Hey IRL fam! We've got a cool new idea coming your way! Our community is all about sharing knowledge, skills, and expertise, and we're opening up a space for everyone to pitch in. Whether you're into real estate, cooking, arts, or digital marketing, youโ€™ll soon be able to create and share guides with the crew. Keep an eye outโ€”new category coming soon! What do you guys think? Let me know your thoughts on this.
New comment 3d ago
3 likes โ€ข 4d
Oh this is a great idea, Chris!
What is your ideal way of making money?
Over the years, my answer has changed quite a bit...I thought I was going to be a professional reseller for awhile. I had fun with that and made money but it's not my ideal way to sustain myself. I thought I was going to start an Amazon agency, helping people sell better on Amazon. I found out that isn't very fun and is just as much work as selling for yourself on Amazon... I started selling for myself on Amazon and I still do today, but I realized how much I hate running an e-commerce business.. Logistics, operations, manufacturing, marketing, etc. I thought all of these were going to be my ticket to riches! They certainly helped, but I learned what I don't want to do... I started doing real estate about 4 years ago and I found out that it's what I love the most. I love taking an ugly, beat-up property, and making it nice. There's something about taking something that was once neglected and giving it the attention and love it deserves. I discovered Pace Morby just a few months ago and what I've learned since then has blown my mind. The first 3.5 years I was moving at at turtle pace and for the past few months I've been moving exponentially faster. I can't wait for the future! I still have my full-time job helping brands sell on Amazon. That job sustains my family and other businesses, but real estate is the long-term plan... What about you? What is your ideal way of making money? Is it a job? A business? Are you still figuring it out?
New comment 3h ago
What is your ideal way of making money?
5 likes โ€ข 5d
@Louise Aquino You can practice! You can even cover your face if you're unsure!
3 likes โ€ข 4d
@Louise Aquino Hahahahaha. I've seen worse voices dw. You just need practice and confidence!
1-10 of 213
Ifa Dyana Rozwan
721points to level up
Adapt and overcome

Active 6h ago
Joined Jun 24, 2024
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