Jun 15 (edited) in Share Knowledge
Amanda's Hiring Tips: From Resume Review to Final Interview
🔍 Wondering what to do once you've screened through a stack of resumes and handpicked the top contenders? Here are tricks I often recommend to my clients:
1️⃣ Send a text. Yep, it's that simple. Shoot a quick message introducing yourself and the company, and ask if they're available for a brief chat. Their response—or lack thereof—can tell you a lot about their interest and enthusiasm.
2️⃣ Phone interview time! Schedule a call with those who respond positively. Keep it short and sweet, focusing on key questions that dig deeper into their skills and fit for the role.
3️⃣ Zoom or in-person interviews. Depending on availability and logistics, move on to the next stage with a select few candidates. Remember, not everyone you schedule will show up, so plan accordingly.
4️⃣ Final round. Narrow down your pool even further based on these interviews. Aim for quality over quantity, and don't be discouraged if you don't find the perfect fit right away—it's all part of the process!
Remember, hiring is a numbers game, and finding the right candidate takes time and patience. Don't rush the process, and always trust your instincts when it comes to red flags. Happy hiring!
Vera Milet
Amanda's Hiring Tips: From Resume Review to Final Interview
Small Biz: Hire and Grow
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