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My tips for the next steps after screening resumes
Have you ever wondered what to do once you've screened through a stack of resumes and handpicked the top contenders? Here are tricks I often recommend to my clients: 1️⃣ Send a text. Yep, it's that simple. Shoot a quick message introducing yourself and the company, and ask if they're available for a brief chat. Their response—or lack thereof—can tell you a lot about their interest and enthusiasm. 2️⃣ Phone interview time! Schedule a call with those who respond positively. Keep it short and sweet, focusing on key questions that dig deeper into their skills and fit for the role. 3️⃣ Zoom or in-person interviews. Depending on availability and logistics, move on to the next stage with a select few candidates. Remember, not everyone you schedule will show up, so plan accordingly. 4️⃣ Final round. Narrow down your pool even further based on these interviews. Aim for quality over quantity, and don't be discouraged if you don't find the perfect fit right away—it's all part of the process! Remember, hiring is a numbers game, and finding the right candidate takes time and patience. Don't rush the process, and always trust your instincts when it comes to red flags. Happy hiring!
My tips for the next steps after screening resumes
Hello Everyone
Nevertheless am not giving up. Already seeing great and wonderful results in my Shopify store. Starting was quite tough cause I was expecting sales immediately and I began running an online store. A lot of lessons have been learnt in this dropshipping business and I am so glad I took the opportunity to also become a successful entrepreneur.All my products were dropshipped from CJ. The marketing strategy implemented on store is really paying off Already making sales on my store and hoping to make make more. Dropshipping is a step by step business. You begin from getting low sales currently hitting over $2k in two months That's very amazing to me. #dropshipping #ecommerce #shopify. Turned out that this winner, after tax, after fees, after stock issues, after refunds, after currency conversion was not making me anywhere near as much profit as I thought it was and nearly taking a loss. Nevertheless it was a crucial learning journey. Since then I’ve done high 6-figures in revenue across different stores with the majority of that money being since this June and rapidly increasing thanks to everyone in the systems in place to help scale to insane levels. I have always wanted to use Dropshipping as a first step into the world of building an actual business and I’m happy to say that thanks to all members I have just started this process of brand building
New comment Aug 9
Did you know about this method? 🤯
How can you bring your team closer and boost productivity for less than $10? Puzzles! Yes, you heard it right. Here's how you can do it: Set up a puzzle in your general space or office lobby. Invite team members to collaborate and piece it together during their breaks. What begins as a casual activity will quickly become a powerful team-building exercise. Our company tried this method and gained fascinating insights into their team's problem-solving approaches as the puzzle progressed. Some team members dove right in, tackling the edges first. Others sorted pieces by color or focused on assembling key components before expanding outward. Each unique strategy revealed individual strengths and preferences. The team learned to appreciate each other's perspectives and contributions by working together on the puzzle. They discovered new ways to leverage their diverse skill sets and collaborate more effectively on projects. Not only did the puzzle foster teamwork, but it also sharpened problem-solving skills. As employees faced challenges and setbacks, they brainstormed creative solutions together. The sense of accomplishment was palpable when they finally completed the puzzle—a testament to their collective effort and teamwork. In the end, what started as a simple activity became a valuable tool for building stronger relationships, enhancing collaboration, and fostering a positive work culture. Who knew that a $10 puzzle could have such a profound impact on the team?
Did you know about this method? 🤯
Amanda's Hiring Tips: From Resume Review to Final Interview
🔍 Wondering what to do once you've screened through a stack of resumes and handpicked the top contenders? Here are tricks I often recommend to my clients: 1️⃣ Send a text. Yep, it's that simple. Shoot a quick message introducing yourself and the company, and ask if they're available for a brief chat. Their response—or lack thereof—can tell you a lot about their interest and enthusiasm. 2️⃣ Phone interview time! Schedule a call with those who respond positively. Keep it short and sweet, focusing on key questions that dig deeper into their skills and fit for the role. 3️⃣ Zoom or in-person interviews. Depending on availability and logistics, move on to the next stage with a select few candidates. Remember, not everyone you schedule will show up, so plan accordingly. 4️⃣ Final round. Narrow down your pool even further based on these interviews. Aim for quality over quantity, and don't be discouraged if you don't find the perfect fit right away—it's all part of the process! Remember, hiring is a numbers game, and finding the right candidate takes time and patience. Don't rush the process, and always trust your instincts when it comes to red flags. Happy hiring! Amanda
Amanda's Hiring Tips: From Resume Review to Final Interview
Amanda's Personal Story
Hi Everyone, We have a special video for you today. Amanda Thomson shares a very personal story about the challenges she faced when she hired her spouse for her business. It's a powerful lesson for all solopreneurs and small business owners. In this video, Amanda talks about: 1. Professional Boundaries: Why it’s important to keep personal relationships out of business. 2. Decision-Making: How emotional ties can complicate business decisions. 3. Lessons Learned: What she would do differently and her advice for others. Amanda's experience is a reminder to make thoughtful decisions for your business's success. Have you faced similar challenges? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments!
Amanda's Personal Story
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Small Biz: Hire and Grow
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