Using WeWeb Is it possible to combine two different databases in a simple way?
Experienced people, let me know if this idea I have to solve my problem is correct. I want to use Xano as a database to build and experiment with different projects before going live.
I feel comfortable with Xano, but I don't want to pay yet until Iโ€™m sure, but my project needs to host images. So I thought I could use Xano to host all the information and just use Airtable (or maybe Uploadcare) to host all the images for free.
To do this, I would need to combine the two databases so that when I perform any CRUD operations, they are read and combined on the frontend, or when I upload or modify some information, it happens simultaneously in both databases. Iโ€™m thinking that writing and updating could be done in separate forms without problems. However, both databases would need to be combined by a common field, such as the user ID.
Do you think this is the right approach to solve my problem? Is there any better solution you can think of to avoid payments while in experimental mode?
Alejandro La Moglie
Using WeWeb Is it possible to combine two different databases in a simple way?
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