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20 Free Rotating Members
🚨 This is a PAID group🚨 In order to maintain your “free member” status you have to meet daily requirements. This is a high value group that is changing lives, therefore we unfortunately do not have time for bystanders and are only interested in practitioners. Daily Requirements: 1️⃣ I am unable to pay for the monthly membership today ✔️ 2️⃣I contributed to the group today by, commenting or sharing a post ✔️ 3️⃣I invited 1 person to this group today ✔️ 4️⃣I understand my membership will be revoked within 24 hours of not completing these tasks ✔️ If you are a free member like this post in order to confirm you have read it.
New comment Feb 25
Welcome to Stoicism
🏆Thank you for joining this group.📚 ✅ We offer a first month free guarantee -You meet the “free member requirements” for the entire month. 🙋‍♂️ 🙋‍♀️ Why are there daily requirements to be a free member? 🗣️ In this group we want to benefit from being here; therefore, if you don’t participate the value of the group will decrease. (If you prefer a free membership please DM an admin). Finally, check out or free group on FB StoicismConvo P.S. Comment how long you have been involved with Stoicism.
4 members have voted
New comment Feb 28
Stoicism Is For Everyone
In ancient Greece and Rome, many everyday people-women, the enslaved, and poor individuals-were barred from philosophical communities. Worse, they were excluded from politics and brutalized in society. At best, disenfranchised individuals were invited in only when wealthy men decided to open the doors. Historians believe that while Stoicism was constrained by these cultural practices, it was nonetheless more inclusive than other philosophical creeds at the time. Many early Stoics believed that virtue was available to everyone, including people living through poverty or political oppression. (Recall that the great Stoic teacher Epictetus was a former slave.) Many Stoics even advocated for women to receive formal philosophical training. While today it feels trite to applaud such limited access, to explore the history of Stoicism (and much of history, really) is to confront these shameful truths. It can be difficult, even discouraging, to contextualize ancient cultural practices. Yet it's my belief, as a woman who might have been left out of many early Stoic debates, that there is still much to learn from this deeply reflective philosophy that has guided humans from many backgrounds for over 2,000 years. Much of the world agrees. Stoic philosophy is not confined to one culture group or life experience. Today, it is practiced all over the globe by a diverse array of people. There are thriving Stoic communities on six continents, in dozens of countries and multiple languages. Stoicism speaks to a universal human experience providing tools for all of us to live with greater intention, purpose, and acceptance.
Stoicism Is For Everyone
Missed today’s Class 😕
No need to fret! Check out The Dichotomy of Control for a recording of the live playback!
"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts." - Marcus Aurelius
This profound quote from Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius is as relevant today as ever. In our fast-paced world filled with negativity and distractions, it's easy to let our thoughts spiral and impact our happiness. But here's the good news: we have the power to control our thoughts. By consciously choosing to focus on the positive, we can cultivate greater happiness and well-being. Here are some tips to put Aurelius' quote into practice: * Challenge negative thoughts: When a negative thought arises, question its validity. Is it helpful or based on reality? Reframe negative thoughts into more positive and realistic ones. * Practice gratitude: Take time each day to appreciate the good things in your life, big or small. Gratitude fosters a positive outlook and boosts happiness. * Focus on what you can control: Don't dwell on things outside your control, like past events or other people's actions. Instead, channel your energy into what you can influence, like your own thoughts, actions, and reactions. * Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness exercises like meditation or deep breathing to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings. This allows you to observe them without judgment and choose how to respond. By taking charge of your thoughts, you can unlock greater happiness and, you can unlock greater happiness and live a more fulfilling life, inspired by the wisdom of Marcus Aurelius. Stoicism Convo
New comment Mar 7
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Whether you are just starting with stoicism or you have extensive knowledge, the focus of this group is to learn and practice stoicism.
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