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11 contributions to Stoicism
Stoicism - Aikido of the mind?
Allow me to share with you all, this unusual line of thought. Imagine just for one second that in order for you to face whatever life throws at you, you're wholly invested in one method and one method alone. Let's, for the sake of a figure of speech, assume we're talking about martial arts and whichever discipline you should pick. Your preferred way would obviously be Aikido. Aikido emphasizes using the opponent's energy and aggression against them, rather than meeting force with force. Similarly, stoicism advocates for maintaining inner calm and rationality in the face of adversity, allowing one to navigate challenges with clarity and resilience. Just as Aikido practitioners seek harmony and balance in conflict, stoics strive for inner peace and equanimity amidst life's trials and tribulations. When life throws chaos at you - Be Stoic. Be disciplined in your mastery of the 'art'. For you know you must adhere to the principles and virtues whereas all the others will throw 'chaos' at you. Would you agree Stoicism is the Aikido of the mind?
New comment Mar 6
Boundaries and Respect towards differing opinions
Today I would like to share something which has been challenging for me throughout my Stoic journey. Often times, we find ourselves entangled in our own thoughts and beliefs that we unknowingly ignite our preaching mode. Life will always pitch you curve balls to either dodge or get carried along. Stoicism offers advice to handle similar situations. However I wanted to share with you my thoughts on this topic and would love to hear from you: - Focus on practical solutions rather than idealistic ideologies. - Acknowledge differing perspectives without imposing personal beliefs. - Encourage open dialogue and respect for diverse opinions. - Avoid imposing moral judgments and allow room for individual choices. - Emphasize understanding and empathy rather than persuasion. - Respect boundaries and autonomy of others. - Provide support and resources for informed decision-making. Has anyone of you experienced similar situations? Have a great day.
New comment Mar 2
Non-stoic books with stoic wisdom
I am a huge fan of Sun Tzu's work titled "The Art of War". This is not a treatise on Stoicism, but it contains many life truths and wisdom also proclaimed by Stoics. In fact, it was the first "philosophical" work I ever read, and it ultimately pushed me towards stoicism. Have you read this book and do you have any thoughts about it? Maybe you know other non-Stoic works that in some way inspired you to follow the path of stoicism? Please share your own experiences.
New comment Mar 2
1 like • Feb 28
I haven't read it as of yet, but wanted to thank you for sharing this. I absolutely agree there are many more similar books with stoic virtues incorporated. I wonder which passage from The Art of War resonated mostly with you? Do you go back to it frequently?
Be Curious Not Judgmental
I would like to make my first contribution to this community by sharing something rather obvious, but very rarely experienced nowadays. To some of you, the title might give away the source of my borrowed nugget of wisdom – surely, it remains one of the most poignant life lessons I have been striving to live day in and day out. I am fortunate that such a message resonated immediately the minute I heard Ted say it out loud. It was quite a revelation in a way, since I thought this discourse was expressed in less popular content rather than TV sitcom fare. Nevertheless, there it was: in my humble opinion, the single most gentle advice ever given, kindly asking to be empathic and show respect towards others. The Stoic philosophy would have us argue that we are better served by considering our opinions and accepting they are there. It's advised to refrain from judging others but instead be curious, empathic, and emotionally present when presented with any difficult situations. Feel free to share and give your input.
New comment Feb 27
1 like • Feb 27
@Gabriel Schurman appreciate your time. Will always be weighing against more valuable writings. It's part of the journey I chose to undertake.
Stoic virtues and Performing Arts
Allow me to share the below insights as I have found them to be of utmost value. Combining Stoic virtues with an actor's ability to BE present in the moment can offer insightful parallels between ancient philosophical principles (Stoicism) and modern artistic practice. **Actor's Presence**: I find it imperative in acting. Being in the moment requires actors to fully immerse oneself in the characters and the scene, letting go of distractions and preconceived notions to authentically inhabit their roles. **Wisdom**: Actors must have the wisdom to discern the emotional truth of a scene and embrace the uncertainty of live performance. **Courage**: There are parallels between Stoic courage, which involves facing adversity with resilience and bravery, and the courage required for actors to take risks and be vulnerable on stage or screen. **Justice**: Actors, too, must embody a sense of justice by empathizing with their characters and portraying their experiences with authenticity and integrity. **Temperance**: In acting, temperance manifests as the ability to channel emotions effectively, without being overwhelmed or losing control. **Being Present**: Just as Stoics seek to focus on the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, actors must remain fully engaged in the present scene, responding authentically to their fellow performers and the circumstances of the story. Both disciplines encourage individuals to cultivate inner strength, authenticity, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around us. Care to share your ways on how you use these virtues in modern day situations?
New comment Feb 25
0 likes • Feb 25
@Ryan Fairbanks care to share how focusing on such virtues help you traverse the obstacles you encounter?
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Lawrence Buontempo
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Seeking to being an active participant in such a community.

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Joined Feb 15, 2024
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