Be Curious Not Judgmental
I would like to make my first contribution to this community by sharing something rather obvious, but very rarely experienced nowadays.
To some of you, the title might give away the source of my borrowed nugget of wisdom – surely, it remains one of the most poignant life lessons I have been striving to live day in and day out. I am fortunate that such a message resonated immediately the minute I heard Ted say it out loud. It was quite a revelation in a way, since I thought this discourse was expressed in less popular content rather than TV sitcom fare.
Nevertheless, there it was: in my humble opinion, the single most gentle advice ever given, kindly asking to be empathic and show respect towards others.
The Stoic philosophy would have us argue that we are better served by considering our opinions and accepting they are there. It's advised to refrain from judging others but instead be curious, empathic, and emotionally present when presented with any difficult situations.
Feel free to share and give your input.
Lawrence Buontempo
Be Curious Not Judgmental
Whether you are just starting with stoicism or you have extensive knowledge, the focus of this group is to learn and practice stoicism.
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