Lead Generation when starting out.
Hey everyone,
So I’d say the number one thing a lot of us have trouble with at the best of times is lead generation, especially on Instagram.
I get it—money can be tight when starting out, so graphic designers, videographers and short form editors are out and setting up complex systems can feel overwhelming.
So, let’s talk about some straightforward, cost-effective strategies to bring in leads without breaking the bank or spending all day glued to your phone.
1. Optimise Your Profile.
First off, make sure your Instagram profile is on point. It’s the first thing people see and is essentially your shop window:
  • Profile Pic: Use a clear, professional photo, ideally a headshot.
  • Bio: Nail this with a strong, clear message. Who are you, what do you offer, and how can people get in touch? Add a link to your website or a link in bio with resources/webinars/enquiry links for passive sign ups and consumption.
2. Content that Bangs.
Content is king (or queen!) but it doesn’t have to be fancy:
  • Value Posts: Share tips, tricks, and insights FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE that your target audience will find useful. Don’t post what you THINK they want to read. 
  • Stories: Use these for behind-the-scenes looks, quick tips, and daily interactions. Polls and Q&As are gold for engagement, just make sure they’re genuine and not ballbag engagement stuff.
  • Reels: Quick, engaging videos that showcase you, your business and your personality.
3. Engage, Don’t Just Post & Ghost.
Instagram is social media, so be social for Christ sake. Don't just post and expect leads to land in your lap & tickle your chin.
  • Comments: Respond to comments on your posts and comment on others’ posts, especially those in your niche.
  • DMs: Don’t be afraid to slide into DMs to respond to people, say thanks for following or reply to stories. Start genuine conversations and offer help, not just a sales pitch.
4. Use Hashtags Wisely.
Hashtags can help you reach a broader audience of non-followers, just for fuck’s sake don’t plaster 30 on each post.
  • Relevant Hashtags: Use hashtags that your potential clients are following. Also go with local geographic ones. 
  • Research: Spend a little time researching which hashtags work best for your niche.
5. Collaborate.
Find other coaches or influencers in your niche to hit new audiences.
  • Guest Posts and Lives: Do joint Instagram Lives, collab posts or guest spot on podcasts to tap into each other’s audiences.
6. Lead Magnets & Freebies.
Offer something valuable for free to get people into your funnel:
  • Ebooks, Checklists, or Mini-Courses: Create simple, valuable resources that your audience can get in exchange for their email.
  • Link in Bio: Always have the link to your lead magnet in your bio and mention it in your posts and stories.
7. Consistency Over Perfection.
Don’t stress about making everything perfect. Consistency is more important. Building publicly allows you to grow, make mistakes and be open to feedback.
  • Posting Schedule: Stick to a posting schedule that works for you, even if it’s just a few times a week.
  • Batch Content: If you’re busy, batch create your content so you’re not scrambling last minute. Be Proactive.
8. Measure and Adjust.
Keep an eye on what’s working:
  • Insights: Use Instagram Insights to see which posts are performing best and double down on that type of content.
  • Feedback: Ask your audience & your clients what they want to see more of. Answer their questions, in content form. 
Remember, it’s all about building relationships and showing your value.
Stay consistent, be authentic, and the leads will come.
Hope this helps!
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Drew McNeill
Lead Generation when starting out.
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