Mentioning Politics In Your Help Wanted Ads?😱
Yep, I'm going to place a firm grip on the third rail and hope I don't regret it.
But I promised you I'd always share what was working out there to find great talent and this tip is a doozy!
Lets talk about mentioning politics in your help wanted ads.
I was talking to a wonderful human being, amazing client and Technician Find Community member recently.
She and her husband Aaron own Aaron's Semi Repair, a super successful diesel repair shop in Rock Springs, WY.
On a recent call she mentioned that she was getting folks to apply from our ads who live in U.S. border cities being overrun by immigrants who are flooding the diesel job market.
Apparently they are causing lots of problems for the shops because they are being hired on due to the fact that they are so cheap but they get in and gum up the works because they aren't very skilled.
It's very frustrating for the techs who work for these shops and they are looking for options to get out.
I mentioned to Nicole that I had recently read a book called The Fourth Turning Is Here by Neil Howe and he talked about record numbers of people who were moving to cities and states that were more aligned with their political beliefs.
Okay, here's my disclaimer: I don't care if you are in a "Blue" state or a "Red" state. I don't care about anybody's politics or beliefs.
If you are a good person, and you take care of your employees, that's all I care about.
But you know what?
Techs care!
People in record numbers are relocating to states that align with their political beliefs and you can take advantage of this trend whether you are located in a Red or Blue state.
If you mention this in your ads along with the fact that you are willing to offer a relocation package, it could land you some top talent.
This is a powerful recruiting strategy and it gets results.
But you have to be diplomatic and careful.
I've written AI prompts that will help you be diplomatic about how you approach this in your ads (so you don't get pummeled out of existence by the trolls).
If enough folks are interested, I'll do a training on best practices for out of state recruiting and share my AI prompts.
Let me know in the comments!
Chris Lawson
Mentioning Politics In Your Help Wanted Ads?😱
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