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Generic ads attract warm bodies
Are you looking for top talent to staff your shop? Grabbing a generic help wanted ad template from the internet isn't going to get you there. Here's the truth: - Generic ads don't excite top performers - Generic ads don't grab attention - Generic ads don't get shared - Generic ads don't attract upbeat people who want to play a role on a team with a powerful vision and mission - Generic ads don't show how much you care about your employees If you're tired of filling positions with warm bodies... Spend more time on you ads. Make sure they are packed with benefits and paint a clear picture of the transformation employees can have if they join your team.
Flat Rate Pay: Controversies and Alternatives [FTR 105]
If you're trying to attract top notch techs to your shop, Technician Find Community member @Carlo Sabucco just posted a brilliant commentary about flat rate. Check it out on YouTube and let me know what you think. Here's the link: Thanks for providing the open mic to host these important discussions: @Carm Capriotto @Tracy Capriotto
Flat Rate Pay: Controversies and Alternatives [FTR 105]
Happy Friday! Here's some homework 🤓
As we head into the weekend, I hope you all get a chance to relax and recharge. But ... If you're looking for a light task to keep your hiring momentum going, here’s a simple bit of "homework" to help you find that next great tech: Take 15 minutes to write down three things that make your shop a great place to work. It could be your positive team culture, the high-quality tools you provide, or the growth opportunities available. These are your shop's unique selling points, and when you highlight them in your job ads, you'll be more likely to grab the attention of top techs who are looking for more than just a paycheck. Use these notes to refresh your job postings or to share in your next team meeting—getting the whole crew involved in what makes your shop a fantastic place can help attract more great talent! Enjoy your weekend, and keep up the great work. You've got this! 🚗💪 What makes your shop a great place to work? Share in the comments below!
Happy Friday! Here's some homework 🤓
Mentioning Politics In Your Help Wanted Ads?😱
Yep, I'm going to place a firm grip on the third rail and hope I don't regret it. But I promised you I'd always share what was working out there to find great talent and this tip is a doozy! Lets talk about mentioning politics in your help wanted ads. I was talking to a wonderful human being, amazing client and Technician Find Community member @NIcole Ledford recently. She and her husband Aaron own Aaron's Semi Repair, a super successful diesel repair shop in Rock Springs, WY. On a recent call she mentioned that she was getting folks to apply from our ads who live in U.S. border cities being overrun by immigrants who are flooding the diesel job market. Apparently they are causing lots of problems for the shops because they are being hired on due to the fact that they are so cheap but they get in and gum up the works because they aren't very skilled. It's very frustrating for the techs who work for these shops and they are looking for options to get out. I mentioned to Nicole that I had recently read a book called The Fourth Turning Is Here by Neil Howe and he talked about record numbers of people who were moving to cities and states that were more aligned with their political beliefs. Okay, here's my disclaimer: I don't care if you are in a "Blue" state or a "Red" state. I don't care about anybody's politics or beliefs. If you are a good person, and you take care of your employees, that's all I care about. But you know what? Techs care! People in record numbers are relocating to states that align with their political beliefs and you can take advantage of this trend whether you are located in a Red or Blue state. If you mention this in your ads along with the fact that you are willing to offer a relocation package, it could land you some top talent. This is a powerful recruiting strategy and it gets results. But you have to be diplomatic and careful. I've written AI prompts that will help you be diplomatic about how you approach this in your ads (so you don't get pummeled out of existence by the trolls).
New comment 5d ago
Mentioning Politics In Your Help Wanted Ads?😱
Is Your Offer Good Enough to Make a Tech Feel Stupid for Saying No?
"Nobody wants to make a lateral move." - @Joe Marconi I was chatting with Technician Find Community member and industry legend Joe Marconi a few months back, and he dropped a truth bomb that hit me like a ton of wrenches. He said, "Nobody wants to make a lateral move." Let that sink in for a moment. Now, think about the last offer you made to a technician. Was it far and away better than what they're getting now, or could it be considered a lateral move? Here's the hard truth: - Lateral moves don't excite people. - Lateral moves don't inspire people. - Lateral moves don't get phone calls answered or make techs show up for interviews. While we don't have specific industry data at hand, our experience and conversations with shop owners across the country consistently highlight a crucial point: if you want to attract top talent, your offer needs to be compelling enough to make them feel like they'd be crazy to say no. It's not just about the money (though that's important). Think about the whole package - growth opportunities, work-life balance, state-of-the-art equipment, a positive shop culture - these are the factors that can truly set your offer apart and make it irresistible to top technicians. So, here's my challenge to you: The next time you're on the phone with a tech, make them an offer so good that they'll feel stupid saying no. Here's your action step for this week: Review your current offer package. Is it truly exciting? Does it stand out in a sea of sameness? If not, it's time to shake things up. And here's a thought to ponder: Would a tech turn down offers from two competing shops for yours? If you're not 100% confident in your answer, we've got work to do. Here's to building teams that are revved up and ready to go!
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