My Business Is Starting To Gain Traction
Yesterday I went out door knocking at a much earlier time than I usually do. The problem is that many, if not most of the neighborhoods in my area that are ideal for knocking doors for gutter cleaning jobs are “No Soliciting” HOAs. It’s also required by law in Florida to have a solicitors permit (which by my understanding is only good for one year before you have to pay the fee again — I can’t afford that right now). I was able to secure 1 job for next week, 1, potential job for January and got 2 other leads. Emailed or texted these folks a quote PDF. I am also putting together a bid for a bigger job, which is centered mostly around gutter and drainage repairs (never done gutter repairs before). Some exciting stuff! But all of this to say that the glory belongs to God for supplying the work and leads!
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Joshua Bedgood
My Business Is Starting To Gain Traction
Gutter Cleaner University
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