Letting Go by David R Hawkins, MD PhD
I wish the book was called "Let it Be". I think what he really means is "let go of control", not, "let the feeling go away", strictly speaking. This is aligned with everything I've learned through research and it really does work for me. The goal of an emotion, from a survival standpoint, is survival. The limbic system is giving you information in the form of an emotion (the main language spoken by the mammal brain), and because it's charged with keeping you alive, it will keep banging loudly until you let it know the message has been received and considered. It really is that simple. And hard 🤣
Dr Hawkins is an MD and a Psychiatrist. Here’s a quote from the book: “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way”
Mary Alexander
Letting Go by David R Hawkins, MD PhD
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