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TRM First Road: Identity is happening in 3 days
How much caffeine per day?
I found this site to be a good guide:
I am guilty of getting distracted by the information overload nowadays. I have been working on limiting my time on my phone, social media, podcasts, etc. However , I do feel I have to stay up to date on current events, and remain informed. Also you can come across some great people, and learning resources from these examples. Do any of you have any tips, or examples of how you stay informed, and find good info without committing too much time and attention that can get out of hand? Seems like I feel I am in a “catch 22” situation where I need to stay informed, but to cut all those examples out completely would also be detrimental.
New comment Jan 31
Our Kids are number 1
Our Kids are number 1
Something I struggle with is how the hell do I be honest without being a bold asshole? I have this internal conflict of thoughts where I don’t feel I should have to filter what I’m saying to anybody but at the same time I know that words can damage. I’m sure the straight forward answer I’m gonna get is gonna be something along the lines of learning how to communicate assertively yet authentically. A part of me even thinks “why the hell should I even have to learn to do that?” Maybe I’m just young and my ego is big. I understand the value of relationships and how important communication is but maybe I still haven’t fully internalized it because if I’m not being honest with someone in the way that I really want to be honest with them then it physically manifests as a tension in my throat like someone is choking me. Hah! Maybe some of you have even experienced this. If there’s something in the classroom that can help let me know, or if any of you have any personal experience overcoming this let me know as well. Like I said I do see and understand the importance of relationships and communication but that brutally honest part of me in my head is still running strong and conflicting with trying to filter myself in a way that won’t damage my relationships.
New comment Jan 18
Outdoor Workouts
Something I started about 5 years ago, was making an outdoor workout mandatary on a daily basis (no matter what the weather is). Actually wish I would have started this sooner. Even here in the Midwest when the winter comes, I will layer up and get outside. The exercises varies depending on conditions The physical benefits are one thing, but the mental and health components are another. Having clarity to visualize and think outside is different than being inside (at least for me). Not to mention I have not been sick with the seasonal issues others get since I started this. I don’t think this is a “coincidence” either. When the aquarium seems to shrink and retreat, I hear people say something along the lines of “gym is packed today because of the snow storm”, I smile. I know that most will seek comfort over being uncomfortable. Do any of you have any outside “rituals” you do? Always looking to grow and get some new ideas. 💡
New comment Dec '23
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