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TRM First Road: Identity is happening in 3 days
Introductions!: Thank you for the welcome into your dedicated and motivated group. Excited to learn amd grow as a whole.
Dylan "DOC G" Grimaud SLC, UT, BABY I am brutally honest with people, however, if I do offend. It is not intentional, it is simply to help people move forward with their close mindedness. Patience and understanding for the ignorant, and close minded.
New comment 9d ago
(Name/Nickname) Ben (Location) Okinawa (Biggest Strength) Normally I say "grit" to this answer, but recently I've stopped some less than rewarding activities. At this moment I would answer with "Self awareness". (Current "Future" Strength) Better time management to accomplish more rewarding goals. (What Inspired You to Join the TRT) Listening to MC's stuff for a while, need to get out of a recent funk.
New comment Apr 13
Sven Here, really honored to be a part of this group. I hope to make an impact I struggle a lot with ADHD and hope to give any insight I can. I’ve read ton of material on this And realize it’s a growing issue world wide that is getting even worse with technology To keep up with these moving times I need to align myself with like minded individuals. I’m sure I will find the infrastructure I need here .
New comment Mar 9
Introducing I
(Name/Nickname) Marcos, some people know me as Mike (Location) Brooklyn, NY (Biggest Strength) Tenacious Motherf*&$er (Current "Future" Strength) Communicating My Ideas More Effectively (What Inspired You to Join the TRT) Want to commune with other men that have an unwavering commitment to their growth. Just started a business and want to learn more about how to make money. Gratitude for this Space. Looking forward to learning from and sharing with all of you.
New comment Feb 3
Name: Jarno Tuovinen Location: Northern Finland Strenght: Positivity and playfulness "Future" Strength: Ability be hard and dark if the situation requires that :What Inspired You to Join the TRT: I've built myself and my business years already and I have had good experiences from groups in other areas in life. Currently I'm at a point where the execution is the key to unlock next "levels" and this place might be the place to help me with that.
New comment Jan 29
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