Be Sure to Check Out The Classroom Section for Business and Outreach Growth
When you read in the Bible you see that Jesus did not train his disciples to sit and listen to him for the rest of their lives. Their training had a purpose. After 3 years they were sent out into the world to change it. Be it business or a Ministry or Outreach its time to do more than consume and throw up on the keyboard on social media. Its time to make something important of your knowledge. God's purpose for your life isn't to share it with ten people. Its to change the world. If you need more money be sure to join us for our business an outreach sessions to learn to start a side hustle or grow a business so you live out your dreams. Jesus said that He wishes for you to prosper even as your soul prospers... Solomon prospered, Abraham prospered, David prospered, Job prospered... the deep state has instituted the idea of poverty is spiritually closer to God...